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El documento tiene por objeto informar el debate del Consejo Ejecutivo acerca de la funcin de los rganos subsidiarios de la COI en la ejecucin de la Estrategia a Plazo Medio y las estrategias bienales de la COI, de modo que en su 25 reunin la Asamblea pueda aplicar el Artculo 24.1 del Reglamento y revisar las funciones y atribuciones y la duracin del mandato de esos rganos, y adoptar decisiones en funcin de las necesidades. Se invita al Consejo Ejecutivo a considerar y comentar la situacin de los rganos Subsidiarios de la COI y recomendar las medidas que podra tomar la Asamblea en su 25 reunin, en 2009. Introduccin El presente documento contiene fichas descriptivas sobre los rganos subsidiarios principales de la COI, en las que se resume la informacin pertinente de ndole programtica, administrativa y financiera. rganos subsidiarios principales En el presente documento se presentan los rganos subsidiarios principales de la COI sobre la base de su naturaleza y su relacin con los programas de la COI, de acuerdo con el Manual de la COI y las correspondientes directrices. Comits Cientficos y/o Tcnicos Los Comits Cientficos y/o Tcnicos son los principales rganos subsidiarios de la Comisin. Son intergubernamentales y su creacin es de competencia exclusiva de la Asamblea y el Consejo Ejecutivo. Cada Comit deber tomar las decisiones y las medidas necesarias para aplicar las decisiones de poltica de la Comisin, en el marco del mandato y del presupuesto que se les haya asignado, y presentar a los rganos rectores de la Comisin recomendaciones sobre asuntos de poltica general que caigan dentro de su mandato y sobre las futuras actividades necesarias. Intercambio Internacional de Datos e Informacin Oceanogrficos (IODE) (1961) Panel Intergubernamental sobre Floraciones de Algas Nocivas (IPHAB) (1991) Comit Intergubernamental COI-OMM-ONUMA para el Sistema Mundial de Observacin de los Ocanos (I-GOOS) (1992) rgano Consultivo de Expertos sobre el Derecho del Mar (ABE-LOS) (1997) Grupo Intergubernamental de Coordinacin del Sistema de Alerta contra los Tsunamis y Atenuacin de sus Efectos en el Pacfico (ICG/PTWS) (2006) Grupo Intergubernamental de Coordinacin del Sistema de Alerta contra los Tsunamis y Atenuacin de sus Efectos en el Ocano ndico (ICG/IOTWS) (2005) Grupo Intergubernamental de Coordinacin del Sistema de Alerta contra los Tsunamis y otras Amenazas Costeras en el Caribe y Regiones Adyacentes (ICG/CARIBEEWS) (2005) Grupo Intergubernamental de Coordinacin del Sistema de Alerta Temprana contra los Tsunamis y Atenuacin de sus Efectos en el Atlntico Nororiental y el Mediterrneo y Mares Adyacentes (ICG/NEAMTWS) (2005) Subcomisiones Las Subcomisiones Regionales son rganos subsidiarios intergubernamentales de la Comisin, encargados de la promocin, el desarrollo y la coordinacin de los programas de investigacin cientfica marina, los servicios ocenicos, los sistemas operacionales de observacin del ocano y actividades afines de la Comisin, entre ellas TEMA, en sus respectivas regiones, mediante la accin concertada de sus Estados Miembros. Las Subcomisiones Regionales son establecidas por los rganos rectores de la COI a peticin de los Estados Miembros de la correspondiente regin, teniendo en cuenta sus intereses y necesidades especficos, y funcionan en el marco de la poltica general de la Comisin, as como de las directrices y asignaciones presupuestarias determinadas por la Asamblea. Subcomisin de la COI para el Caribe y Regiones Adyacentes (IOCARIBE) (1982) Subcomisin de la COI para el Pacfico Occidental (WESTPAC) (1989) Comits Regionales Los Comits Regionales son rganos subsidiarios intergubernamentales de la Comisin, encargados de la coordinacin y supervisin de las actividades cientficas y de servicios de la Comisin en el plano regional. Deben tomar las decisiones y medidas necesarias para aplicar las decisiones de poltica de la Comisin mediante la accin concertada de sus Estados Miembros, en el marco del mandato y el presupuesto que se les haya asignado, y presentar a los rganos rectores de la Comisin recomendaciones sobre asuntos de poltica general que correspondan a su mandato y sobre las futuras actividades necesarias. Comit Regional de la COI para el Ocano ndico Occidental (IOCWIO) (1979) Comit Regional de la COI para el Ocano Indico Central (IOCINDIO) (1982) Comit Regional de la COI para el Atlntico Centrooriental (IOCEA) (1984) Comit Regional de la COI para el Mar Negro (BSRC) (1995) rganos subsidiarios mixtos Se pueden constituir rganos subsidiarios mixtos con otras organizaciones si se observa claramente que son necesarios para garantizar el xito de la elaboracin y ejecucin de un determinado programa. Corresponde a la Asamblea decidir acerca del patrocinio de esos rganos por la Comisin. Comit de Orientacin Mixto COI-OHI sobre el Mapa Batimtrico General de los Ocanos (GEBCO) (1974) Comisin Tcnica Mixta COI-OMM sobre Oceanografa y Meteorologa Marina (JCOMM) (1999) rganos subsidiarios secundarios Los rganos subsidiarios secundarios pueden ser establecidos por los rganos rectores de la COI, por un rgano subsidiario principal, que es lo ms frecuente, y por el Secretario Ejecutivo de la COI. Equipos de trabajo Los equipos de trabajo son pequeos rganos subsidiarios intergubernamentales especiales, constituidos para llevar a cabo determinadas tareas sin acarrear a la Comisin otros gastos que los que suponga el apoyo habitual que les presta la Secretara, a menos que se tenga la aprobacin especfica de la Asamblea o el Consejo Ejecutivo. Los equipos de trabajo pueden ser constituidos por la Asamblea, el Consejo Ejecutivo y por los Comits Cientficos y/o Tcnicos, las Subcomisiones y los Comits Regionales. Trabajan generalmente por correspondencia, pero pueden convocarse reuniones si se han asignado los fondos necesarios o cuando no suponen gastos para la Comisin. Una vez terminada la labor que se les ha encargado, los equipos de trabajo son disueltos por su rgano patrocinador. Grupo de Trabajo sobre el Futuro de la COI (2006) Grupo de Trabajo sobre sistemas de alerta contra tsunamis y otros peligros relacionados con el nivel del mar y atenuacin de sus efectos (TOWS-WG) (2006) Grupos de expertos Los grupos de expertos son pequeos rganos subsidiarios integrados por especialistas seleccionados a ttulo personal por sus competencias cientficas o tcnicas. Llevan a cabo estudios cientficos y tcnicos detallados y/o tareas de coordinacin, por tema o regin, determinados por la Asamblea, el Consejo Ejecutivo, una Subcomisin, un Comit Cientfico y/o Tcnico o un Comit Regional. Grupo de Expertos sobre el Sistema Mundial de Observacin del Nivel del Mar (GLOSS) Grupo Mixto de Expertos sobre los Aspectos Cientficos de la Proteccin del Medio Marino (OMI-FAO-UNESCO-OMM-OMS-OIEA-Naciones Unidas-PNUMA-ONUDI) (GESAMP) (1969) Categoras de reuniones de la UNESCO Los rganos subsidiarios secundarios establecidos por rganos subsidiarios principales se indican en los cuadros 1-3; los rganos subsidiarios principales y secundarios se indican tambin con respecto al Reglamento para la clasificacin de conjunto de las diversas categoras de reuniones convocadas por la UNESCO. Las reuniones convocadas por la UNESCO se dividen en dos clases: i) las reuniones de carcter representativo (aquellas en que estn representados, en calidad de participantes principales, Estados, gobiernos u organizaciones intergubernamentales u organizaciones internacionales no gubernamentales) y ii) las reuniones de carcter no representativo (aquellas en que los participantes principales acten con carcter personal). Las reuniones convocadas por los rganos subsidiarios de la COI entran en las siguientes categoras de reuniones de la UNESCO: Reuniones de carcter representativo Reuniones de carcter intergubernamental distintas de las conferencias internacionales de Estados (categora II) Reuniones de carcter no representativo Comits consultivos (categora V) Comits de expertos (categora VI) Recomendaciones Se invita al Consejo Ejecutivo a considerar la situacin de los rganos subsidiarios principales respecto de: Su eficiencia y eficacia en relacin con su mandato y los medios disponibles. Su contribucin a los Objetivos de Alto Nivel y actividades conexas de la Estrategia a Plazo Medio de la COI para 20082013. Necesidad de prolongacin y ajustes posibles para optimizar su funcionamiento. El Consejo Ejecutivo podra encargar al Secretario Ejecutivo que lleve a cabo ulteriormente un estudio que abarque los rganos subsidiarios secundarios (vanse los cuadros en las pginas siguientes), centrndose en: Principales logros y resultados respecto de los objetivos y metas definidos. Posibilidades de interaccin optimizada entre rganos subsidiarios que abarcan la misma regin. Cooperacin con otras organizaciones del sistema de las Naciones Unidas encargadas de asuntos del ocano. Ese estudio podra ser sometido a la consideracin de la Asamblea en su 25 reunin para que pueda adoptar decisiones sobre la base del Artculo 24.1 del Reglamento a fin de: revisar las funciones y atribuciones y la duracin del mandato de esos rganos, y efectuar modificaciones o adoptar decisiones en funcin de las necesidades. Los rganos rectores de la COI siempre han prestado atencin al nmero y tipo de rganos subsidiarios que establecen. El principio general es que su mandato debe ser revisado y evaluado continuamente; esta prctica ha demostrado sus virtudes y el presente documento constituye un preparativo para que la Asamblea pueda aplicarla. Nota: Debido a las limitaciones presupuestarias, los cuadros y fichas descriptivas siguientes se publican en ingls en todas las versiones lingsticas.  Figure  SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1 Scientific and Technical Committees  Figure  SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 2 Scientific and Technical Committes: ICGs  Figure  SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 3 Regional Sub-Commissions and Regional Committees FACT SHEETS ON IOC SUBSIDIARY BODIES Scientific and Technical Committees Title of Subsidiary BodyIOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE)Date and resolution of establishmentFirst IOC Assembly (1927 October 1961) through Resolution I-9 (establishment of Working Group on Oceanographic Data Exchange)Terms of referenceThe main objectives of the IODE are : (i) to facilitate and promote the exchange of all marine data and information including metadata, products and information in real-time, near real time and delayed mode; (ii) to ensure the long term archival, management and services of all marine data and information; (iii) to promote the use of international standards, and develop or help in the development of standards and methods for the global exchange of marine data and information, using the most appropriate information management and information technology; (iv) to assist Member States to acquire the necessary capacity to manage marine data and information and become partners in the IODE network; and (v) to support international scientific and operational marine programmes of IOC and WMO and their sponsor organisations with advice and data management services. (Note that the IODE objectives were updated to the above version during IODE-XVIII, through Recommendation IODE-XVIII.1)Sunset clauses NoneMembershipIOC Member StatesGovernanceIOC CommitteeElected/appointed Officers - 2 IODE Co-Chairs - IODE Past-Chair - Chair GEMIM - Chair GEBICH - Chair JCOMM/IODE ETDMP - Chair JCOMM Data Management Coordination Group (DMCG) [since 16/5/07]Structure The following Groups of Experts are currently active: 1. IODE Group of Experts on Biological and Chemical Data Management and Exchange Practises (GEBICH) 2. IODE Group of Experts on Marine Information Management (GEMIM) 3. Joint JCOMM/IODE Expert Team on Data Management Practises (ETDMP) A number of Projects have steering groupsSessions held Session Year Dates Venue Chairs of the Session 20 2009 to be announced Beijing, China G. Reed (Australia)/ M. Bel-Hassen Abid (Tunisia) 19 2007 12-16 April Trieste, Italy L. Rickards (UK, Chair)/ R. Rojas (Chile, Vice-Chair) 18 2005 26-30 April Oostende, Belgium L. Rickards (UK, Chair)/ R. Rojas (Chile, Vice-Chair) 17 2003 3-7 March Paris, France E. Balopoulos (Greece, Chair) 16 2000 31 October - 8 November Lisbon, Portugal B. Searle (Australia, Chair)/ E. Balopoulos (Greece, Vice-Chair) 15 1996 23-31 January Athens, Greece J.R. Wilson (Canada, Chair)/ V. Smirnov (Russia, Vice-Chair) 14 1992 1-9 December Paris, France N. Flemming (UK)/ V. Smirnov (Russia, Vice-Chair) 13 1990 17-24 January New York, USA N. Flemming (UK)/ V. Smirnov (Russia, Vice-Chair) 12 1986 10-17 December Moscow, USSR D. Kohnke (Germany) 11 1984 9-18 January New York, USA D. Kohnke (Germany) 10 1981 5-13 January Hamburg, Germany T. Winterfeld (USA) 9 1979 15-19 January New York, USA T. Winterfeld (USA) 8 1975 12-17 May Rome, Italy T. Austin (USA) 7 1973 9-13 July New York, USA T. Austin (USA) 6 1971 2-24 September Rome, Italy T. Austin (USA) 5 1970 21-25 September Geneva, Switzerland T. Austin (USA) 4 1968 23-26 September Paris, France T. Austin (USA) 3 1966 31 March - 2 April Copenhagen, Denmark Ch. Sauer (Canada) 2 1964 27-30 January Paris, France Ch. Sauer (Canada) 1 1962 7-10 August Washington DC, USA W.C. Jacobs (USA) ELECTRONIC VERSIONS OF THE REPORTS ARE AVAILABLE AS FROM THE SECOND SESSION:  HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDoclistRecord&doclistID=6" http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDoclistRecord&doclistID=6 Secretariat focal pointPeter PissierssensWebsite  HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org" http://www.iode.org Sources of funding RP, EB (member states, European Commission)Financial contributions (US$)2006-20072008-2009Regular programme$286,715Regular programme$185,000Extrabudgetary $1,928,917Extrabudgetary $ n.a.Total $2,215,632Total $Staff (no.)2006-20072008-2009IOC 1 professional, GSIOC1 professional, GSSeconded3 (through IOC Project Office for IODE, Oostende, Belgium)Seconded3 (through IOC Project Office for IODE, Oostende, Belgium)Total 4.5TotalMain activities and outputs and contribution to IOC high-level objectives and programme priorities (as identified in Resolution XXIV-2)2b. Contribute to the better prediction of climate through ocean observations and process studies, at regional and global scales. Support for regional cooperation in ocean observations and services provided. Improved global access to ocean observations, including agreements on standards and technical guidelines achieved through JCOMMIODE Ocean Data Portal and related activities (contributing also to Action 1a). Capacity developed in ocean observations, data/information management and product/service development in all IOC regions through integrated IODE/ODIN-GOOS/GRAIOC/ICAM-JCOMM International cooperation in observations and research of the oceans role in the global carbon cycle facilitated. Support the coordination of national and regional programmes contributing to a global network of ocean carbon observations, including agreements on standards, methods, and data formats, improving access to data, and increasing participation in international synthesis activities. 3c. Identify and develop the capacitybuilding necessary for maintenance of healthy oceans ecosystems focusing on the regional needs. Initiate integrated cooperative regional frameworks focusing on regional capacity-building and regional collaboration (GOOS GRAs, IODE ODINs) Number of regional frameworks focusing on regional capacity-building Strategic and planning documents- IOC Strategic Plan for Oceanographic Data and Information Management (adopted at IOC-XXIV, 2007) - Detailed work plan and budget adopted during each Session of the IODE Committee Cooperation IOC Subsidiary Bodies YesUNESCO Field OfficesYesUN agencies YesOther organizations YesIssues and risksLast external evaluationUNESCO/IOS 2007Decisions/action required of the Executive Council none Title of Subsidiary BodyIOC Intergovernmental Panel on Harmful Algal Blooms (IPHAB)Date and resolution of establishmentMarch 1991, Resolution XVI-4 Terms of referenceIdentify adequate resources for a sufficiently broad programme to solve some of the problems caused by algal blooms; Review and identify programme requirements; Promote efficient and cost-effective implementation of the HAB programme and prepare recommendations on this implementation to the Assembly and Executive Council ; Identify the resources necessary to meet HAB programme needs; Ensure effective interaction and communication with regional intergovernmental as well as regional and global non-governmental organizations involved in research on toxic algae and harmful algal blooms; (Resolution XVI-4)Sunset clauses NoneMembershipOpen to IOC MS and representatives of IOC regional and other subsidiary bodies, and of other interested international organizations, particularly SCOR.GovernanceElected/appointed Officers Chair, Vice-chair, Chairs of IPHAB Task TeamsStructure IPHAB/GEOHAB-GSSC Task Team on HAB Observations and Forecasting Systems Joint IPHAB/IODE Task Team on the development of the Harmful Algal Information System IPHAB Task Team on Biotoxin Monitoring, Management and Regulations IPHAB Task Team Task Team on Algal Taxonomy IOC-SCOR GEOHAB Scientific Steering Committee ICES-IOC Working Group on Harmful Algal Bloom Dynamics ICES-IOC-IMO Working Group on Ballast of Ships and other Vectors ICES-IOC-SCOR Study Group on GEOHAB Implementation in the Baltic COI/FANSA Regional Working Group (South America cone) IOC HANA Regional Network (North Africa) COI/ANCA Regional Working Group (with IOCARIBE) IOC/WESTPAC-HAB regional group (with WESTPAC) Decentralised programme office at IOC Science and Communication Centre on Harmful Algae at: University of Copenhagen, Denmark Spanish Institute of Oceanography, Vigo, Spain Sessions held 1991, 1992, 1995, 1997, 1999, 2002, 2005, 2007, reports availableSecretariat focal pointOSS, H. EnevoldsenWebsite  HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-unesco.org/hab" www.ioc-unesco.org/hab Sources of funding Spain, USA, Japan, DenmarkFinancial contributions (US$)2006-20072008-2009Regular programme$149,112Regular programme$146,000Extrabudgetary $1,049,000 Extrabudgetary $353,237Total $Total $Staff (no.) 2006-20072008-2009IOC 1 with secretariat support from HQIOC1 with secretariat support from HQSeconded2 locally hired at HAB centresSeconded2 locally hired at HAB centresTotal TotalMain activities and outputs and contribution to IOC high-level objectives and programme priorities (as identified in Resolution XXIV-2)Elements of multi-year strategy re. IOC High-level objective 3 Safeguarding the health of oceans ecosystems: Healthier ocean ecosystems and sustainable coastal and ocean environments achieved by means of development and diffusion of scientific research, better information and procedures on which policies can be based: Improved understanding and modelling capabilities of harmful marine microalgal events. Summary of objectives: To foster the effective management of, and scientific research on, harmful algal blooms in order to understand their causes, predict their occurrences, and mitigate their effects. Main lines of action: Implementation of research programme GEOHAB; Development of a Harmful Algal Information System; Implementation of HAB monitoring within GOOS; Strengthen regional HAB networks; Facilitate systematic and authoritative capacity enhancement for research and management of harmful algal events; Deliver scientific advice for the revision of the CODEX Committee on Fish and Fishery Products Standard and Code of Practice for Bivalve Molluscs. Expected results: Enhanced national capacities for research and management Improved modelling capabilities of harmful marine microalgae A one-stop on-line data system for harmful algae Pilot projects on operational HAB observations systems New regional knowledge sharing networks Strategic and planning documentsThere is a generic Programme Plan with priorities which is revised as deemed required by the IPHAB. Furthermore IPHAB-VIII (2007) decided to develop a strategy document within the context of the IOC Medium Term Plan for 2008-2013 identifying the deliverables of IPHAB to governments (Resolution IPHAB-VIII.1) Each session of IPHAB deliver a biennial work plan, identifying projects, implementation scheduled, budget, and expected results. This is condensed into expected results and performance indicators for SISTER. Cooperation IOC Subsidiary Bodies IOCARIBE, WESTPAC, IOCINDIO, UNESCO Field OfficesKingstonUN agencies WHO, FAO, IAEA, Other organizations SCOR, ICES, PICES, ISSHA, ROPMEIssues and risksLast external evaluationExternal evaluation of IOC Science and Communication Centre on Harmful Algae in 2000.Decisions/action required of the Executive Council Title of Subsidiary BodyIntergovernmental Committee for GOOS (I-GOOS)Date and resolution of establishmentResolution EC XXV.3 (1992) Last Renewed: IOC XXIII-5 (2005) Terms of referenceResponsible for formulation of policy, principles and strategy, and for planning and coordination of GOOS. Sunset clauses None Membership26 national representatives as nominated by IOC point of contact or UNESCO delegation in response to circular letter 2199.GovernanceElected/appointed Officers Chair: Francois Gerard (France) Vice chairs: Mary Altalo (USA), ShaoHua Lin (China), Hector Soldi (Peru), Kouadio Affian (Cote dIvoire)Structure GSSC, I-GOOS Board, 9 IOC recognized GOOS Regional AlliancesSessions held Every two years, usually at IOC headquarters I-GOOS VIII 13-16 June, 2007, Paris Forthcoming I-GOOS ext. 1 20 June, 2005, Paris GOOS Report No. 145 I-GOOS VII 4-7 April, 2005, Paris GOOS Report No. 145 I-GOOS VI I-GOOS V Secretariat focal pointGPO director, Keith Alverson (IOC/OOS)Website Sources of funding Financial contributions (US$)2006-20072008-2009Regular programme$100,000Regular programme$ n.a.Extrabudgetary $40,000Extrabudgetary $ n.a.Total $140,000Total $Staff (no.)2006-20072008-2009IOC IOCSecondedSecondedTotal TotalMain activities and outputs and contribution to IOC high-level objectives and programme priorities (as identified in Resolution XXIV-2)Please detail elements of multi-year strategy, summary of objectives, main lines of action, expected results.Strategic and planning documentsPlease indicate whether a long-term strategy exists, indicating summary of objectives, main lines of action and expected results. Please indicate whether a biennial operational plan exists, indicating summary of programme of work, projects, expected results and performance indicators, implementation scheduled and budget. Cooperation IOC Subsidiary Bodies UNESCO Field OfficesUN agencies Cosponsored by WMO and UNEP, by MOU (1998-2002)Other organizations Issues and risksLast external evaluationDecisions/action required of the Executive Council Title of Subsidiary BodyIOC Advisory Body of Experts on the Law of the Sea (IOC/ABE-LOS)Date and resolution of establishmentJune 1997, Resolution XIX-19Terms of referenceAnnex to Resolution XIX-19: 1. The ABE-LOS shall provide advice upon request to the IOC Assembly, Executive Council and/or Executive Secretary IOC on the possible implementation of the proposals and recommendations included in the Summary Report of the First Session of the open-ended Intersessional Working Group on IOC's Possible Rote in Relation to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (IOC-LOS) (Document IOC/INF-1 035). 2. The ABE-LOS shall take into account: (i) The purpose and functions established by the IOC Statutes and Rules of Procedure: (ii) The rights and duties of the coastal States as stipulated in UNCLOS {iii) Other applicable provisions of UNCLOS related to marine scientific research; (iv) The role of the bodies established under UNCLOS: (v) The need to co-ordinate efforts with other relevant bodies in the United Nations system and/or other relevant international organizations. 3. The bulk of the Advisory Body's work shall be done by correspondence, co-ordinated by the Executive Secretary IOC.Sunset clauses None MembershipAll IOC Member States Invited observers from other organizations, programmes and projects. GovernanceBureau composed of Chairman, IOC/ABE-LOS Technical Secretary and IOC executive Secretary. The bureau about 2-3 times a year during the intersessional period. Elected/appointed Officers Chairman: Elie Jarmache Structure Working groups: 1. IOC Legal Framework within the context of UNCLOS which is applicable to the collection of oceanographic data 2. Practice of Member States in the application of Parts XIII and XIV of UNCLOSSessions held IOC/ABE-LOS VIII: Paris, France (2008IOC/ABE-LOS VII: Libreville, Gabon (2007) IOC/ABE-LOS VI: Mlaga, Spain (2006) IOC/ABE-LOS V: Buenos Aires, Argentina (2005) IOC/ABE-LOS IV: Lefkada Island, Greece (2004) IOC/ABE-LOS III: Lisboa, Portugal (2003) IOC/ABE-LOS II: El Jadida, Marocco (2002) IOC/ABE-LOS I: Paris, France (2001) Informal Advisory Consultation on Implementation of IOC Resolution XIX-19 (1998) Session on the open-ended Working Group on IOCs possible role in relation with UNCLOS (1996) Secretariat focal point(s)Aurora Mateos Website  HYPERLINK "http://ioc3.unesco.org/abelos/" http://ioc3.unesco.org/abelos/ Sources of funding Regular Budget and extra-budgetary contributions from Member States. There is in kind contributions when a Member State is hosting the meeting Financial contributions (US$)2006-20072008-2009Regular programme$40,000Regular programme$70,000Extrabudgetary $30,000Extrabudgetary $60,000Total $125,000Total $140,000Staff (no.)2006-20072008-2009IOC 1 consultantIOC1 consultantSecondedSecondedTotal TotalMain activities and outputs and contribution to IOC high-level objectives and programme priorities (as identified in Resolution XXIV-2)Database of national focal points. Strategic and planning documentsRecommendations from each sessionCooperation IOC Subsidiary Bodies I-GOOSUNESCO Field OfficesUN agencies UN/OLA/DOALOS Other organizations European UnionIssues and risksLast external evaluationDecisions/action required of the 41st Executive CouncilTo adopt EC Resolution ____ Title of Subsidiary BodyIntergovernmental Coordination Group for the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (ICG/IOTWS)Date and resolution of establishmentJune 2005, Resolution XXIII-12Terms of referenceAnnex to Resolution XXIII-12 To coordinate the activities of the IOTWS; To organize and facilitate as appropriate the exchange of seismic, sea level and other data at or near real-time and information required for the interoperability of the IOTWS; To promote the sharing of experience and expertise related to tsunami warning and mitigation for the Indian Ocean basin; To promote tsunami research; To promote the establishment and further development of national tsunami warning and mitigation capacities in accordance with standard protocols and methods; To develop, adopt and monitor implementation of work plans of the IOTWS, and to identify required resources; To promote implementation of relevant capacity-building; To liaise and coordinate with other tsunami warning systems; To liaise with other relevant organizations, programmes and projects; To promote the implementation of the IOTWS within a multi-hazard framework; To keep under constant scrutiny the status of the system and how it satisfies the needs. Sunset clauses None Membership28 Member States of the IOC within and bordering the Indian Ocean: Australia, Bangladesh, Comoros, Djibouti, France (La Reunion), India, Indonesia, Iran, Kenya, Madagascar, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritius, Mozambique, Myanmar, Oman, Pakistan, Seychelles, Singapore, Somalia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, United Arab Emirates, Tanzania, Thailand, Timor Leste, United Kingdom, Yemen Observers from other IOC Member States Invited observers from other organizations (including NGOs), programmes and projects, in accordance with the IOC rules and proceduresGovernanceOfficers composed of Chairman and two Vice-chairmen. The Officers meet on the occasion of sessions of the ICG/IOTWS and also at meetings of the Steering Group. Elected/appointed Officers Chairman: Dr Jan Sopaheluwakan (Indonesia) Vice-Chairman: Mr Rick Bailey (Australia) Vice-Chairman: Dr Shailesh Nayak (India)Structure Steering Group: Chair, Vice Chairs and Working Group Chairs and Vice Chairs) Working Groups: 1. Seismic Measurements, Data Collection and Exchange (Chair Dr Fauzi, Indonesia; Vice-Chair Dr Spiro Spiliopoulos,Australia) 2. Seal Level Data Collection and Exchange, including Deep Ocean Detection (Chair Vacant, Vice-Chairs Ken Jarrott, Australia and Dr Parluhutan Manurung, Indonesia) 3. Risk Assessment (Chair Prof Sam Hettiarachchi, Sri Lanka, Vice-Chair Dr John Schneider, Australia) 4. Modelling, Forecasting and Scenario Development (Chair Prof Chari Pattiaratchi, Sri Lanka, Vice-Chair Dr Diana Greenslade, Australia) 5. Establishment of a System of Interoperable Warning Centres (Chair Mr Geoff Crane, Australia, Vice Chair Mr Charles Ngunjiri, Kenya) 6. Mitigation, Preparedness and Response (Chair Mr Michel Vielle, Seychelles, Vice Chair Mr Che Moin Umar, Malaysia)Sessions held ICG/IOTWS-I, Perth, Australia, August 2005 (ICG/IOTWS-I/3) ICG/IOTWS-II, Hyderabad, India, December 2005 (ICG/IOTWS-II/3) ICG/IOTWS-III, Bali, Indonesia, July 2006 (ICG/IOTWS-III/3) ICG/IOTWS-IV, Mombasa, Kenya, February 2007 (ICG/IOTWS-IV/3 ICG/IOTWS-V, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, April 2008 (ICG/IOTWS-V/3\0Secretariat focal point(s)Tony Elliott, Jane CunneenWebsite  HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-tsunami.org/index.php?option=com_frontpage&Itemid=189" http://www.ioc-tsunami.org/index.php?option=com_frontpage&Itemid=189 Sources of funding Contributions from Australia for ICG/IOTWS Secretariat. Contributions from Australia, Italy, USAID, UNDP, IO Consortium for meetings, training and projects. In-kind contributions from Member States through national and international projects. Financial contributions (US$)2006-20072008-2009Regular programme$54,200Regular programme$170,000Extrabudgetary $1,077,525Extrabudgetary $ n.a.Total $1,131,725Total $Staff (no.)2006-20072008-2009IOC Head of Secretariat, Programme Specialist (joined July 2006) Assistant Programme Specialist (joined January 2006)IOCHead of Secretariat Programme specialist Assistant programme specialist SecondedProgramme Specialist (seconded May 2007 April 2008), supported by AusAIDSecondedTotal TotalMain activities and outputs and contribution to IOC high-level objectives and programme priorities (as identified in Resolution XXIV-2)Four courses in numerical inundation modelling conducted (Melbourne, Jan 2007; Bangkok, July 2007; Jakarta, Sept 2007; Seychelles, Jan 2008), supported by AusAID, USAID, Italy, IO Consortium) Formal agreement for free data exchange for a core network of seismic monitoring stations and core network of sea level monitoring stations Database of national focal points (TWFP and TNC) organised and maintained by IOC and reported to PTWC and JMA. Strategic and planning documentsImplementation Plan for the IOTWSCooperation IOC Subsidiary Bodies IODE, GLOSS, GOOS, JCOMM IOC Regional Programme Office PerthUNESCO Field OfficesUNESCO Jakarta Office UN agencies WMO, ISDR (Bangkok), UNDP (Bangkok) UNESCAPOther organizations USAID, ADPC, ADRC, WAPMERR, Issues and risksLast external evaluationDecisions/action required of the 41st Executive CouncilEndorse the recommendations of ICG/IOTWS-V Title of Subsidiary BodyIntergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami and Other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (ICG/CARIBE EWS)Date and resolution of establishmentJune 2005, Resolution XXIII-13Terms of referenceAnnex to Resolution XXIII-13 To coordinate the activities of the ICG/CARIBE EWS; o organize and facilitate as appropriate the exchange of seismic, sea level and other data at or near real-time and information required for the interoperability of the tsunami and other coastal hazards system; To promote the sharing of experience and expertise related to tsunami warning and mitigation for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions Basin; To promote tsunami and other coastal hazards research; To promote the establishment and further development of national tsunami and other coastal hazards warning and mitigation capacities in accordance with standard protocols and methods; To develop, adopt and monitor implementation of work plans of the tsunami and other coastal hazards warning system in the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions, and to identify required resources; To promote implementation of relevant capacity-building; To liaise and coordinate with other tsunami and other coastal hazards warning systems; To liaise with other relevant organizations, programmes and projects; To promote the implementation of the ICG within a multi-hazard framework; To keep under constant scrutiny the status of the system and how it satisfies the needs.Sunset clauses None MembershipIOC Member States bordering the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (Tsunami Warming Focal Point-TWFP nominated as of March 2008: Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, British Virgin Islands, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominica, Dominican Republic, France, Grenada, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Netherlands: Aruba, Netherlands Antilles (Bonaire, Curacao, Saba, Saint Eustatius and Saint Marteen), Panama, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, United Kingdom (Anguilla, Turks & Caicos, Bermuda; Montserrat), United States of America, Venezuela. Observers from other IOC Member States, with nominated TWFP: Canada, Peru Invited observers from other organizations, programmes and projects. GovernanceOfficers composed of Chairman and two Vice-chairmen. The Officers meet on the occasion of sessions of the ICG/CARIBE EWS and also at joint sessions of the Working Groups. Elected/appointed Officers Chairman: Lorna Innisss (Barbados) Vice-chairman: Israel Matos (USA) Vice-chairman: Gustavo Malave (Venezuela)Structure Working groups: 1. Monitoring and Detection Systems, Warning Guidance (Chair Christa von Hildebrandt, USA; Vice-Chair Gloria Romero, Venezuela) 2. Hazard Assessment (Chair Aurelio Mercado, USA; Vice-Chair Narcisse Zahibo, France) 3. Warning, Dissemination and Communication (Chair Yauli Oyon, Venezuela, Vice-Chair Trevor Basden, Bahamas) 4. Preparedness, Readiness and Resilience (Chair Julie Leonard, USA; Vice-Chair Juan Luis Guzman, Venezuela) Sessions held ICG/CARIBE EWS-I, Bridgetown, Barbados, 10-12 January 2006 (ICG/CARIBE EWS-I/3) ICG/CARIBE EWS-II, Cumana, Venezuela, 12-14 March 2007 (ICG/CARIBE EWS-II/3) ICG/CARIBE EWS-III, Panama City, Panama, 12-14 March 2008 (ICG/CARIBE EWS-III/3)Secretariat focal point(s)Bernardo Aliaga Website http://www.ioc-tsunami.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=168&Itemid=128/ Sources of funding In-kind contributions from Member States through national and international projects. Financial contributions (US$)2006-20072008-2009Regular programme$Regular programme$20,000Extrabudgetary $40,000 (2007)Extrabudgetary $Total $40,000Total $Staff (no.)2006-20072008-2009IOC CARIBE EWS does not have an external secretariatIOCSecondedSecondedTotal TotalMain activities and outputs and contribution to IOC high-level objectives and programme priorities (as identified in Resolution XXIV-2)Caribbean Training Course in Seismology & Tsunami Warning 25-30 June 2007, in cooperation with SRU Trinidad & Tobago and with USAID/OFDA Formal agreement for free data exchange for a core network of seismic monitoring stations and core network of sea level monitoring stations, approved at ICG/CARIBE EWS-III Database of national focal points (TWFP and TNC) organised and maintained by IOC and reported to Warning Centers. Strategic and planning documentsImplementation plan for the CARIBE EWS approved at ICG CARIBE EWS-IIICooperation IOC Subsidiary Bodies IOCARIBE GEBCO-IBCCA (International Bathymetric Chart of the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico)UNESCO Field OfficesIOCARIBE Office UN agencies WMO ISDR (Office for LAC, based in Panama)Other organizations CDERA (Caribbean Disaster Emergency Response Agency, based in Barbados) SRU (Seismic Research Unit, based in Trinidad and Tobago) USAID/OFDA (Regional Office based in Costa Rica) Issues and risksLast external evaluationDecisions/action required of the 41st Executive Council Title of Subsidiary BodyIntergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami Early Warning and Mitigation System in the North Eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean and Connected Seas (ICG/NEAMTWS)Date and resolution of establishmentJune 2005, Resolution XXIII-14Terms of referenceAnnex to Resolution XXIII-14 Coordinating NEAMTWS activities; Organizing and facilitating the exchange of seismic, geodetic, sea-level and other data in or near real-time and other required information; Promoting the sharing of experience and expertise related to tsunami warning and mitigation; Promoting tsunami research; Promoting the establishment and further development of national tsunami warning and mitigation capacities in accordance with standard protocols and methods; Developing, adopting and monitoring implementation of work plans of the ICG/NEAMTWS, and identifing required resources; Promoting implementation of relevant capacity-building; Liaising and coordinating with other tsunami warning systems; Liaising with other relevant organizations, programmes and projects; Promoting the implementation of the ICG/NEAMTWS within a multihazard framework; Developing a comprehensive programme of capacity-building on tsunami protection for the north-eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean and connected seas, including the Black Sea; Keeping under constant scrutiny the status of the system and how it satisfies the needs.Sunset clauses None MembershipIOC Member States bordering the north-eastern Atlantic and those bordering and within the Mediterranean Sea and connected seas (participating in sessions as of November 2007: Algeria, Belgium, Croatia, Egypt, Finland, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Lebanon, Morocco, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Tunisia, Turkey, UK). Observers from other IOC Member States. Invited observers from other organizations, programmes and projects. GovernanceBureau composed of Chairman and two Vice-chairmen. The bureau meets on the occasion of sessions of the ICG/NEAMTWS. Elected/appointed Officers Chairman: Prof. Stefano Tinti (Italy) Vice-chairmen: Prof. Gerassimos Papadopoulos (Greece) Vice-chairmen: Prof. Maria Ana Batista (Portugal) Structure Working groups: 1. Hazard assessment, risk and modeling (Chairs: France and Spain) 2. Seismic and geophysical measurements (Chairs: Italy and Germany) 3. Sea level measurements (Chairs: Spain and Algeria) 4. Advisory, mitigation and public awareness (Chairs: UK and Portugal) Task team on the regional architecture of NEAMTWS. Sessions held ICG/NEAMTWS-I, Rome, Italy, 2122 November 2005 (ICG/NEAMTWS-I/3) ICG/NEAMTWS-II, Nice, France, 2224 May 2006 (ICG/NEAMTWS-II/3) ICG/NEAMTWS-III, Bonn, Germany, 79 February 2007 (ICG/NEAMTWS-III/3) ICG/NEAMTWS-IV, Lisbon, Portugal, 2123 November 2007Secretariat focal point(s)Uli Wolf, Stefano Belfiore Website  HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-tsunami.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=35&Itemid=40" http://www.ioc-tsunami.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=35&Itemid=40 Sources of funding In-kind contributions from Member States through national and international projects. Financial contributions (US$)2006-20072008-2009Regular programme$0Regular programme$20,000Extrabudgetary $66,000Extrabudgetary $ n.a.Total $66,000Total $Staff (no.)2006-20072008-2009IOC NEAMTWS does not have an external secretariatIOCNEAMTWS does not have an external secretariatSecondedSecondedTotal TotalMain activities and outputs and contribution to IOC high-level objectives and programme priorities (as identified in Resolution XXIV-2)Database of national focal points. Strategic and planning documentsImplementation plan for the NEAMTWS V3.2 (IOC Technical Series No. 73)Cooperation IOC Subsidiary Bodies UNESCO Field OfficesUN agencies WMO Other organizations European Commission ESEAS Med-GLOSSIssues and risksLast external evaluationDecisions/action required of the 41st Executive Council Title of Subsidiary BodyIntergovernmental Coordination Group for the Pacific Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (ICG/PTWS)Date and resolution of establishmentJune 2006, Resolution EC-XXXIX.8 (name change from ITSU to PTWS) June 1965, Resolution IV.6 (established as ITSU)Terms of referenceAnnex to Resolution EC-XXXIX.8 To identify the needs and coordinate the activities of the PTWS; To organize and facilitate as appropriate the exchange of seismic, sea-level and other data in or near real time and information required for the interoperability of the PTWS; To support the national tsunami warning and mitigation services; To promote the sharing of experience and expertise related to tsunami warning and mitigation for the Pacific Ocean and adjacent seas; To promote tsunami research; To promote the establishment and further development of national tsunami warning and mitigation capacities in accordance with standard protocols and methods; To develop, adopt and monitor implementation of work plans of the PTWS, and to identify required resources; To promote implementation of relevant capacity-building, resilience-building and emergency management, including high levels of public awareness; To liaise and coordinate with the ICGs for other tsunami warning and mitigation systems and to facilitate best practices; To liaise with other relevant organizations, programmes and projects; To promote the implementation of the PTWS within a multi-hazard framework; To develop and promote best practices in tsunami warning and mitigation; To keep under constant scrutiny the status of the system and how it satisfies the needs; To arrange for liaison among the various national contact points and tsunami warning centres; To maintain a current list of operational focal points and facilities for the PTWS and make it available on request to all Member States; To maintain a list of those countries that are members of PTWS and a list of those countries that are not members, and make this available on the IOC PTWS website; To initiate and support training activities to enhance and enrich tsunami warning and mitigation in the Pacific Ocean and adjacent seas.Sunset clauses None MembershipMember States of the IOC within and bordering the Pacific Ocean and adjacent seas (32 Member States with Tsunami National Contact-TNC and Tsunami Warming Focal Point-TWFP nominated as of March 2008): Australia, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Cook Islands, Costa Rica, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Ecuador, El Salvador, Fiji, France, Guatemala, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Republic of the Philippines, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, Samoa, Singapore, Thailand, Tonga, Tuvalu (provisional), U.S.A., Vietnam. Observers from other IOC Member States Invited observers from other organizations (including NGOs), programmes and projects, in accordance with the IOC rules and procedures GovernanceOfficers of the ICG/PTWS (Resolution EC-XXXIX.8) A Chairperson and two Vice-Chairpersons, who will be elected in accordance with the Statutes and Rules of Procedure of the IOC, Past Chairperson, Ex officio Director of the PTWC, Ex officio Director of the ITICElected/appointed Officers Chairman: Mr. Mike OLeary (New Zealand) Vice-Chairman: Mr. Giorgio de la Torre (Ecuador) Vice-Chairman: Mr. Yohei Haegawa (Japan)Structure Resolution EC-XXXIX.8) recognizing: RichardH.Hagemeyer Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre (PTWC) in Hawaii as the primary operational centre for the Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System in the Pacific NWPTAC and PTWC continue to provide interim tsunami advisory information for the South China Sea region, at least until the next meeting of PTWS (ICG/PTWS-XXII) ITIC continue to be the primary provider of information and expertise for technology transfer, training and capacity-building for the PTWS Steering Committee (ICG/PTWS-XXII.1) comprised of: Elected Officers (Chairman and Vice-Chairman), Working Group Chairmen Other members representatives by invitation Steering Committee is charged to; Develop Medium Term Strategy including performance measures Develop Implementation Plan 2008-2009 Formulate Governance Model Develop Strategy for Funding PTWS Activities Develop an ITIC work plan that focuses on the priorities of the Medium Term Strategy Evaluate the need for provisional Intersessional Working Groups as required in Monitoring, Assessment, Interoperability, Awareness, Regional Working Groups (ICG/PTWS-XXII and ICG/PTWS-XXI): 1. Tsunami Warning and Mitigation in the Southeast Pacific Ocean; Terms of Reference as in Annex I of ICG/PTWS-XXII.1 (Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Chile; Chair Vacant) 2. Tsunami Warning and Mitigation in the Southwest Pacific Ocean Terms of Reference as in Annex II of ICG/PTWS-XXII.1 (Members Countries of SOPAC as members and observers and including France; Chair Dr. Ken Gledhill, New Zealand, Vice-chairs, Fiji and Samoa) 3. Tsunami Warning and Mitigation in the Central American Pacific Coast; Terms of Reference as in Annex III of ICG/PTWS-XXII.1 (Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama, representative of Honduras (as soon as they finalized the formal procedure of joining PTWS); Chair Nicaragua) 4. Pacific Emergency Communications and Technologies; Terms of Reference as in ICG/PTWS-XXII.8 (Canada, Chile, Ecuador, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Samoa, USA, PTWS communication providers, and through nomination by the countries, National Tsunami Warning Focal Point and the emergency managers from interested Member States, and representatives from non-PTWS countries as observers; Chair Vacant) 5. Sea Level measurements, data collection, and exchange; Terms of Reference as in the Annex to ICG/PTWS-XXI.2 and in ICG/PTWS-XXII.6) (Chair Australia) 6. Working Group on Interoperability of regional, sub-regional and national tsunami warning systems in the Pacific; Terms of Reference as in the Annex to ICG/PTWS-XXI.2 (Chair USA) 7. Working Group on rapid near field recognition of tsunamigenic earthquakes and associated tsunamis; Terms of Reference as in ICG/PTWS-XXII.7 (Member States and other interested countries; Chair: Canada) 8. Inter-sessional Task Team on Exercise Pacific Wave 08 (EPW08); Terms of Reference as in ICG/PTWS-XXII.5 (PTWC, WC/ATWC, NWPTAC, Australia, New Zealand, Peru, Republic of Korea, the Russian Federation, ITIC; Chair: USA)Sessions held ICG/ITSU-I to XX, 1968 to 2005 every 2 years, various locations ICG/PTWS-XXI, May 2005, Melbourne, Australia ICG/PTWS-XXII, Sep 2007, Guayaquil, EcuadorSecretariat focal point(s)Peter KoltermannWebsite PTWS:  HYPERLINK "http://ioc3.unesco.org/ptws/" http://ioc3.unesco.org/ptws/ ITIC: http://ioc3.unesco.org/itic/Sources of funding2007: IOC Trust Fund Contributions from Korea, New Zealand for PTWS / ITIC activities IOC Regular Programme ITSU Chile, Japan and the United States of America for the operation of NWPTAC, PTWC, West Coast/Alaska Tsunami Warning Centre WC/ATWC), and ITIC In-kind contributions from Member States through national and international projects. Financial contributions (US$)2006-20072008-2009Regular programme$33,000Regular programme$40,000Extrabudgetary $40,100Extrabudgetary $ n.a.Total $73,100Total $Staff (no.)2006-20072008-2009IOC IOCSecondedSecondedTotal TotalMain activities and outputs and contribution to IOC high-level objectives and programme priorities (as identified in Resolution XXIV-2)Inter-sessional Period (May 2006 2007) ITIC organized or assisted: 7 1-week US Geological Survey IOC Seismology and Tsunami Warning Training Courses in IOTWS, PTWS, CARIBE-EWS (funded by IOC and USAID) 3 2-week Tsunami Warning and Mitigation Training Courses for PTWS in Hawaii (funded by IOC ITIC, USA, SOPAC, and participant self-funded) 3 1-day Tsunami Warning and Mitigation Capacity-building Seminars (funded by IOC) Tsunami Modeling Training 1 2-week Seismology and Tsunami Modeling Training Course for South America in Ecuador, July 2007 (funded by Ecuador and IOC ITIC) 1 1-week Tsunami Modeling Training Course for South America in Chile (funded by Chile) planned for May 2008 Tsunami Capacity Building in Mauritius and Mozambique 4 1-week consultations/trainings in 2008 Tsunami Standard Operating Procedures Strengthening Projects 1 9-month consultation/training to Indonesia, Sep 2006 May 2007 (funded by UNDP) 1 1-week Regional Training for Indian Ocean and SE Asia (funded by Multi-Donor Trust Fund of UNESCAP) 3 1-week consultations/trainings to Myanmar, Pakistan, Philippines, Vietnam (funded by Multi-Donor Trust Fund of UNESCAP) - planned for 2008 Global Historical Tsunami Database collected and maintained by WDC-MGG, ITIC, and Novisibirsk Tsunami Laboratory, Russia, and distributed globally online and offline. Recent large data contribution by Japan to database. Through Resolution EC-XXXIX.8, Recalling the IOC commitment to an open, free and unrestricted sharing of tsunami-relevant real-time observational data in accordance with the UNESCO/IOC Oceanographic Data Exchange Policy and without prejudice to the sovereignty of Member States, Stressing that all Member States should make every endeavour to exchange with other Member States: seismic, sea-level and other data relevant to tsunamigenic events in or near real time, national assessments and warnings of tsunamigenic events and of tsunamis in a timely manner, Database of Tsunami Warning Focal Points (TWFP) organised and maintained by ITIC and reported to PTWC, WC/ATWC, and JMA. Database of Tsunami National Contacts (TNC) organised and maintained by ITIC and reported to Member States and posted to the ITIC and PTWS web sites Strategic and planning documentsMaster Plan for the PTWS (revised 2003) PTWS Operational Users Guide (revised 2007)Cooperation IOC Subsidiary Bodies IODE, GLOSS, GOOS, JCOMM ICG/IOTWS, ICG/CARIBE-EWS, ICG/NEAMTWSUNESCO Field OfficesUNESCO IOC JTIC UN agencies WMO, ISDR, UNDP, UNESCAPOther organizations IUGG, ASEAN, SOPAC, ADRC, CPREDENAC, USAID, World Data Center Marine Geology and Geophysics, US Geological Survey, IRIS Global Seismic Network / FDSN, Univ of Hawaii Sea Level Center, Novisibirsk Tsunami LaboratoryIssues and risks-Last external evaluationITSU Programme Review was postponed in 2003, needs new scheduling (Resolution EC-XXXIX.9)Decisions/action required of the 41st Executive CouncilReview report of PTWS XXII and decide on recommendations of ICG Sub-Commissions Title of Subsidiary BodyIOC (UNESCO) Sub-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions - IOCARIBEDate and resolution of establishmentResolution IOC XII-16 of the Assembly of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO approved the establishment of the IOC Sub-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (IOCARIBE). Following the Guidelines for the Structure and Responsibilities for the IOC Sub-Commissions, the Assembly decided to create the Secretariat of the IOC Sub-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (IOCARIBE) through Resolution IOC-XIII-14. IOCARIBE started in 1968 as the first regional effort in marine sciences in the Caribbean the Cooperative Investigations of the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (CICAR). In 1975, the Member States recognized the benefits of CICAR and expressed their interest in creating a successor organization. The "Association of IOC for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions", The Headquarters Agreement between the Government of Colombia and UNESCO was signed in the year 1988 by Julio Londoo Paredes, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Colombia and Federico Mayor Zaragoza, Director General of UNESCO.Terms of referenceThe main purpose of the IOCARIBE Sub-Commission is to promote international cooperation and coordinate research programmes, services and capacity building in the Caribbean Region, in order to learn more about the nature and resources of the ocean and coastal areas and to apply this knowledge for the improvement of management, sustainable development and the decision-making process of its Member States. The Sub-Commission is responsible for the promotion, development and coordination of the IOCs global scientific & research programmes and ocean services in the Caribbean Region and Adjacent Regions. The most important elements of the Sub-Commissions structure are: Member States Scientific Research Programmes and Projects The Board of Officers The Regional Secretariat As a regional Sub-Commission of IOC, IOCARIBE is responsible for the science base, the gathering of knowledge, the implementation of scientifically based information, the quality control, the voice of scientific credibility, and for ensuring that knowledge and data can be shared and used by all. Without these elements, there cannot be a sustainable development. IOCARIBE is in its own right the best instrument available for implementing these strategies at the regional and sub-regional level in the Wider Caribbean Region. The main line of action of the IOC (UNESCO) Sub-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (IOCARIBE), is to be responsible for the promotion, development and coordination of the IOCs global scientific and research programmes and ocean services in the Wider Caribbean. In pursuing this objective and enhancing the Sub-Commission presence in the Caribbean region, the concerted action of the members of the IOCARIBE Board of Officers has played a major role. The IOC (UNESCO) Sub-Commission for the Caribbean IOCARIBE deals with a wide range of scientific programmes, dealing with collection, management and exchange of data on physical, chemical and biological properties of the ocean, coastal seas and estuaries; ocean mapping, research, and monitoring; survey and observation programmes and systems at the regional level.Sunset clauses MembershipAntigua & Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, France (French Guyana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, St. Barthelemy, St. Martin), Grenade, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Netherlands (Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao, Saba, St. Eustasius, St. Maartin), Nicaragua, Panama, St. Kitts & Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent & Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad & Tobago, United Kingdom (Anguilla, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Turks & Caicos), United States (Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands), VenezuelaGovernanceCaribbean Countries Elected/appointed Officers Chairperson: Mr. Guillermo Garca Montero (Cuba) Vice-chairperson: Miss Lorna Vernica Inniss (Barbados) Vice-chairperson: Mr. Clement D. Lewsey (USA) Vice-chairperson: Mr. Hernn Prez Nieto (Venezuela)Structure Groups of Experts: The IOCARIBE Groups of Experts are subsidiary bodies of IOC composed by experts selected for their scientific or technical expertise. They have been created essentially for a project implementation role. HAB-ANCA/IOCARIBE: Group of Experts on Harmful Algal BloomsSessions held First Session of IOC Sub- Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Region, (Curacao, Netherlands Antilles, August,1984) Second Session of IOC Sub-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions, (Havana, Cuba, December 1986) Third Session of IOC Sub-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions, (Caracas, Venezuela, December 1989) Fourth Session of IOC Sub-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions, (Veracruz, Mexico, December 1992) Fifth Session of IOC Sub-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions, (Christ Church, Barbados, December, 1995) Sixth Session of IOC Sub-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions, (San Jos, Costa Rica, April 1999) Seventh Session of IOC Sub-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions, (Veracruz, Mexico, February 2002 Eight Session of IOC Sub-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions, (Recife, Brazil, April 2004) Ninth Session of IOC Sub-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions, (Cartagena, Colombia, April 2006) Note: the reports of all IOCARIBE sessions are available.Secretariat focal pointCartagena, ColombiaSources of funding Most of IOCARIBEs support for its programme implementation comes from external sources or is requested from Member States in the region. Donor support is also sought through the Intergovernmental mechanism and through IOC.Financial contributions (US$)2006-20072008-2009Regular programme$53,000Regular programme$60,000Extrabudgetary $700,000Extrabudgetary $Total $753,000Total $ Staff (no.)2006-20072008-2009IOC $353,000 (Head)IOC1 P4 in UNESCO Office in Kingston, JamaicaSeconded$60,000 (local staff)SecondedTotal TotalMain activities and outputs and contribution to IOC high-level objectives and programme priorities (as identified in Resolution XXIV-2)The Sub-Commission is responsible for the promotion, development and coordination of the IOCs global scientific & research programmes and ocean services in the Caribbean Region and Adjacent Regions. IOCARIBE has been following and contributing to the development to IOC major programmes such as: GOOS by IOCARIBE-GOOS developed jointly with WMO. One of the IOC programmes of high importance and interest for the Wider Caribbean region is ICAM. IOCARIBE Ad-hoc Tsunami Group of experts developed the Tsunami Warning System concept and focused in the education and seismic components. Based on this 14 year work and following the Sumatra 2004 tsunami, the IOC Coordinating Group for the establishment of the tsunami and other coastal hazards for the Caribbean Sea and Adjacent Regions CARIBE EWS was established in 2005. The system is expected to be in placed by 2010. IOCARIBE, jointly with UNEP CAR/CU made a significant contribution improving the capacities of Member States in fulfilling their commitments of the Land Based Sources (LBS) of pollution protocol of the Cartagena Convention. Also, IOCARIBE is leading IOC efforts in the implementation of the Sustainable Management of the shared living marine resources of the Caribbean LME and adjacent regions through an integrated management approach. The full project draft document proposal signed and endorsed by 23 countries was delivered and it is expected to start in 2008. Other partners in this project are UNDP, UNEP, FAO, NOAA, CERMES, WECAF, and other regional institutions. Strategic and planning documentsMain IOCARIBE Objectives coincide with IOC High-Level objectives and IOC Medium-Term Strategy: Prevention and reduction of the impacts of natural hazards. Mitigation of the impacts of and adaptation to climate change and variability Safeguarding the health of oceans ecosystems Management procedures and policies leading to the sustainability of coastal and ocean environment and resources Management procedures and policies leading to the sustainability of coastal and ocean environment and resources These objectives are reflected in IOCARIBE strategic plans. Particularly, IOCARIBE Medium Term Strategic Science Plan (20062015) IOC/SC-IOCARIBE-IX/6 Prov. The Strategic Plan for IOCARIBE-GOOS. IOC/INF-1170 The IOCARIBE Medium Term Strategy: 1999 2003. IOC/INF-1130 Workshop for the Formulation of a Draft Project on Integrated Coastal Management (ICM) in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), Cartagena, Colombia, 2325 October 2003. IOC Workshop Report189 Ninth Session of the IOC Sub-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions. Cartagena, Colombia, April 19-22, 2006. IOC/SC-IOCARIBE-IX/3 Also IOCARIBE is following the strategy decided in the IOC Capacity Building Group and endorse by IOC governing bodies and contained in: IOC Principles and Strategy for Capacity Building. IOC/INF-1211 TEMA Report No.1 Implementation Plan for the IOC strategy for Capacity-Building. IOC/INF-1212 TEMA Report No.2 And IOC Criteria and Guidelines on the Transfer of Marine Technology. IOC/INF-1203Cooperation IOC Subsidiary Bodies CARIBE-EWS, I-GOOS, IODE, IP-HAB, JCOMMUNESCO Field OfficesQuito, Mexico, Kingston, Costa Rica, MontevideoUN agencies WMO, UNEP, FAO, UNDPIssues and risksLocal administrative support approved by UNESCO administration. Major difficulties to continue contracting UNESCO staff with IOC EXB funds.Last external evaluation16 September 1996 (Ref. IOC/INF-1043)Decisions/action required of the Executive CouncilStreamlining of the administrative support to the Subcommission Secretariat. To include present UNESCO staff support in the RP. Both 1. and 2. are needed for strengthening IOCARIBE Secretariat and the Subcommission work. Title of Subsidiary BodyIOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific (WESTPAC)Date and resolution of establishmentResolution XV-9, adopted in July 1989, fifth Session of IOC Assembly.Terms of reference(i) define regional problems, the solution of which calls for international co- operation, and promote, develop and co-ordinate the required marine scientific research programmes and related activities; (ii) implement and co-ordinate the regional components of global marine scientific research programmes and activities of the Commission; (iii) promote the development and use, at the regional level, of ocean services and related supporting activities, co-ordinated or maintained by the Commission; (iv) facilitate the exchange of scientific data and information and the transfer of knowledge resulting from marine scientific research especially to developing countries in the region; (v) assist with the identification of training, education and mutual assistance needs in the region, particularly those relating to the programmes of the Sub-Commission, and promote the required TEMA activities; (vi) make recommendations to the governing bodies of the Commission on policy matters, and submit proposals on the budgetary and other forms of support required for the programme of work of the Sub-Commission; (vii) co-operate with other subsidiary bodies of the Commission on technical matters of common interest; (viii) provide general guidance and serve as a mechanism for Member States for the formulation, evaluation and follow-up of proposals for extra-budgetary projects aimed at strengthening national and regional capabilities in marine scientific research and the establishment of common institutions, services and facilities ( e.g. centres, networks, etc.); (ix) co-operate with the regional subsidiary bodies of the UN organizations members of ICSPRO and of other UN organizations as well as regional bodies collaborating with the Commission; (x) when appropriate: (a) form Task Teams to carry out specific assignments; (b) establish Groups of Experts, and (c) organize technical meetings (e.g. workshops), provided costs fall within the budget allocated to them or extra budgetary funding is available for that purpose; otherwise recommendations to that effect shall be submitted to the governing bodies of the Commission for their consideration and approval.Sunset clauses NoneMembershipOpen to all interested member states of IOC. Currently WESTPAC has 20 member states.GovernanceWESTPAC Secretariat, located in Bangkok, Thailand, is responsible of daily operation of WESTPAC and report to WESTPAC Officers and IOC HQ for guidance and assistance if necessary.Elected/appointed Officers One chair and two vice Chairs are elected in their personal capacity at each session. They are nominated by the member states and can serve for two terms. For the period of 2003-2008, the Officers are Dr. Hyung Tack Huh (Rep. of Korea): Chairman; Dr. Dang Ngoc Thanh (Vietnam), First Vice-Chairman; Dr. Li Haiqing (China): Second Vice-ChairmanStructure Three-yearly Session is the principal policy-making organ for WESTPAC. Under each project, one project leader was appointed to coordinate the respective activities during intersessional period. To solve the weakness in national rooting and long term strategic planning, WESTAPC is going to set up a project steering group under each project, and a scientific advisory body of WESTPAC tasked with strategy and future comprehensive programme shaping.Sessions held WESTPAC hold its session every two years since it first session in 1990. The 7th WESTPAC Intergovernmental Session will take place 26-29 May 2008, Malaysia, during which, a propose will be made to reschedule the WESTPAC Session from every two day to every one year, in line with the planning cycle of IOC Assembly.Secretariat focal pointSources of funding Regular Budget and Extrabudetary Budget.WebsiteFinancial contributions (US$)2006-20072008-2009Regular programme$100,000Regular programme$85,000Extrabudgetary $750,000 (of which $140,000 on IOC Special Account)Extrabudgetary $ n.a.Total $850,000Total $Staff (no.)2006-20072008-2009IOC Ms. Nachapa Saransuth has been working as a temporary assistant under the local service contractIOC1 P4 at the UNESCO Office in Bangkok, Thailand SecondedThe Consultant (Mr. Miguel Fortes) left Secretariat in Sep 2006. Mr. Wenxi Zhu joined the Secretariat on July 26 2006, seconded by his National Commission for UNESCO with two-year term.SecondedTotal 2TotalMain activities and outputs and contribution to IOC high-level objectives and programme priorities (as identified in Resolution XXIV-2)WESTPAC has called for/ set up new projects from its member states, aiming to contribute to the high level objectives, besides that some long-term projects, like WESTPAC-HAB, WESTPAC-Remote Sensing, North-East Asia-GOOS(NEARGOOS), SouthEast Asia-GOOS (SEAGOOS), ODINWESTPAC are progressing well. A new initiative on Capacity Building is going to be implemented, aiming at establishing a network of IOC/UNESCO Regional Training and Research Centers (Oceanography) in the Western Pacific. Strategic and planning documentsAs a regional body of IOC, WESTPAC have been following the main lines of action of IOC since its inception in 1989. Due to various reasons, there has never been a long-term strategy. Since 2007 when IOC adopted its new high-level objectives, WESTPAC has been making efforts in shaping its activities to better reflect the new structure of IOC. During the upcoming WESTPAC Session in May 2008, WESTPAC will try to map its current and new activities into IOC operational plan; meanwhile, the issues of long-term strategy for WESTPAC will be raised at the session. It can be foreseen that strategic planning, including its fist program shaping, will be prioritized and addressed during next intersessional period. The activities adopted within WESTPAC largely depend on the interests of several member states who are willing to support. Cooperation IOC Subsidiary Bodies I-GOOS, IODE, IP-HABUNESCO Field OfficesIOC Perth Regional Programme Office .UNESCO Jakarta office , Bangkok OfficeUN agencies UNEP Regional Seas Program, UNDP LME Projects, UNU.Issues and risksLess support from IOC HQs, Poor communication of IOCs activities with WESTPAC. Several activities were carried out directly by IOC HQ without involvement or region-specific considerations of Sub-Commission; Understaffing situation Currently, there is only one temporary professional who should be responsible for strategy-planning, fund-raising, coordinating all activities on science, observations and service, administering the secretariat, and communication with HQ and member states. For sure, the active participation of MS is the most principal driven-force for WESTPAC to sustain. However, without the minimum support from its parent organization, it is formidable for WESTPAC to fully fulfill its task.Last external evaluation1999-2000Decisions/action required of the Executive Councilsupport the strategic planning process of WESTAPC during next intersessional period to better reflect the priority of IOC and region-specific concerns. endorse and encourage WESTPAC to initiate new activities with the specific interests of the member states in the region, and map its activities into IOC high-level objectives; support the regional new Capacity building activities on the IOC/UNESCO Regional Training and Research Center (Oceanography) in the Western Pacific, and encourage WESTPAC Member States to actively participate in this network in accordance with relevant Procedures and Guidelines. Strengthen WESTPAC through further implementation of UNESCOs decentralization policy. Regional Committees Title of Subsidiary BodyIOC Regional Committee for the Western Indian Ocean (IOCWIO)Date and resolution of establishmentEstablished in 1979 as IOC Regional Committee for the Cooperative Investigations in the North and Central Western Indian Ocean by the Eleventh Session of the IOC Assembly by Resolution XI-9. Name changed to IOC Regional Committee for the Western Indian Ocean by the Twenty Second session of the IOC Assembly [Resolution XXII-10] at the request of IOCWIO-V.Terms of referenceMeet at least once every two years to review the progress (and any problems encountered) of the various regional and international projects relating to CINCWIO, with a view to ensure smooth co-ordination of the planning and execution of these projects, in the light of any expert advise from the Technical Advisory Group; Facilitate exchange of marine scientific information and data within and outside the region as well as easy movement, across international borders, of participating scientists, ships and specialized scientific equipment to be used in CINCWIO studies; Take decisions and act as necessary to give effect to the Commissions policies, particularly those relating to training, education and mutual assistance, for the speedy enhancement of the national capabilities of the countries of the region in marine science and ocean services; and Provide scientific advise to the governments and organizations of the region, as and when necessary, for joint action directed towards proper exploitation and conservation of the marine of the marine resources and the marine environment of the region. Sunset clauses NoneMembershipComoros, France, Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mozambique, Seychelles, Somalia, South Africa, Tanzania.GovernanceElected/appointed Officers Chair: Prof Antonio Hoguane (Mozambique) Vice Chair: Mr Rondolph Payet (Seychelles) Head of IOCWIO Projects Office: Mika Odido.Structure Please indicate secondary subsidiary bodies, subgroups, etc.Sessions held IOCINCWIO-I , 4 9 October 1982, UNESCO/ROSTA, Nairobi, Kenya (report available) IOCINCWIO-II, 7-11 December 1987, Arusha, Tanzania (report available) IOCINCWIO-III, 14-18 December 1992, Vacoas, Mauritius (report available) IOCINCWIO-IV, 6-10 May 1997, Mombasa, Kenya (report available) IOCINCWIO-V, 23 26 September 2002, United Nations Office at Nairobi, Kenya (report available). IOCWIO-VI, 2-4 November 2005, Maputo, Mozambique (report available)Secretariat focal pointWebsite Various websites for projects run from the IOCWIO Projects Office [ HYPERLINK "http://www.odinafrica.net" www.odinafrica.net,  HYPERLINK "http://www.africanoceans.net" www.africanoceans.net,  HYPERLINK "http://www.africanmarineatlas.net" www.africanmarineatlas.net,  HYPERLINK "http://www.sealevelstation.net" www.sealevelstation.net,  HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/glossafrica" www.iode.org/glossafrica] Sources of funding ODINAFRICA (Flanders UNESCO Science Trust Fund), Sida for Capacity developmentFinancial contributions (US$) (primarily from IODE and Capacity-Development)2006-20072008-2009Regular programme$25,000Regular programme$25,000Extrabudgetary $350,000 [FUST], $100,000 [CD]Extrabudgetary $125,000 [FUST], $50,000 [CD], proposals have been developed to source additional fundsTotal $475,000Total $200,000 Staff (no.)2006-20072008-2009IOC 2006 1(FUST) 2007 2 (FUST, and Italian govt.)IOC2008 2 (FUST and Italian govt) 2009 unclear.SecondedSecondedTotal TotalMain activities and outputs and contribution to IOC high-level objectives and programme priorities (as identified in Resolution XXIV-2)Upgrading of sea level stations in Kenya, Mozambique and Seychelles, and collocation of GPS at sealevel stations in Mozambique, Training on a wide range of topics including: data and information management, websites development, biodiversity data management, application of modeling, remote sensing and GIS to coastal management, development of electronic repositories of publications, sea level data analysis, Training on leadership, team building and proposal writing, as well as on use of Decision Support Tools, particularly modeling Development of the African Marine Atlas ( HYPERLINK "http://www.africanmarineatlas.net" www.africanmarineatlas.net) as a source of information. Development of other data and information sources such as directories of experts and institutions, catalogues of library holdings, catalogues of data sets in the various institutions active in the network, African marine species database, Strategic and planning documentsLong term strategy will be developed in preparation for the IOCWIO-VII planned for 18 22 July 2008, Mombasa, Kenya. The session will also approve a work plan covering the current biennium. IOCWIO-VI endorsed a Work Plan for 20062007 focusing on the following activities: The upgrading of the coastal observation network, though installation of sea level stations, as well as development of data and information products required to address the key coastal management issues through the framework of ODINAFRICA The establishment of a Regional Group of Experts on Ocean Dynamics and Climate to stimulate oceanographic research through the participation of western Indian Ocean scientists in IOC global programmes, and to formulate a detailed work plan for activities related to Ocean Dynamics and Climate to be implemented in the region The development of capacity in all appropriate aspects of tsunami warning and mitigation, including modelling, installation of the necessary seismic and oceanographic sensors The establishment of national structures for detection, warning and preparedness/awareness/evacuation, based on the national assessment reports The organization of Leadership workshops, and the assessment and development of capacity in the application of modeling, remote sensing, GIS and other appropriate emerging technologies in the management of the coastal environment;Cooperation IOC Subsidiary Bodies IODE UNESCO Field OfficesNairobi UN agencies UNEP, IMOOther organizations WIOMSA, WWFIssues and risksUnstable staffing. Funding for activities tied to two projects which are both ending in 2008. This will have a direct bearing on staffing of the project office.Last external evaluationAssessed as part of the IODE External Evaluation in 2007.Decisions/action required of the Executive Council Title of Subsidiary BodyIOC Regional Committee for the Central Indian Ocean (IOCINDIO)Date and resolution of establishmentResolution XII-14 of the IOC Assembly (1982)Terms of referenceThe objectives of IOCINDIO are to: Plan, promote and co-ordinate the implementation of co-operative regional marine scientific projects, ocean services and supporting the TEMA activities of direct interest to its Member States and to meet specific regional needs. Assist the implementation of regional components of the IOCs global ocean science programmes and ocean services. Facilitate the transfer of scientific knowledge and technology in the field of marine research and related ocean services, especially to the developing countries of the IOCINDIO region. Facilitate the exchange of oceanographic data and information within and outside of the region, Identify the needs for training, education, and mutual assistance in the marine sciences among its Member States.Sunset clauses None MembershipAustralia, Bangladesh, France, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, Malaysia, Maldives, Myanmar, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, UAE, United KingdomGovernanceElected/appointed Officers Chairman: Dr. Nasser H. Zaker, Iran (withdrew in 2007) Vice Chairman: Dr. Assad Al-Thukair, Saudi Arabia (acting Chairman) Vice Chairman: Dr. Arul Anathan, Sri LankaStructure No subgroups Sessions held First Session: Islamabad, Pakistan, 3-7 July 1988 Second Session: Goa, India, 20-22 November 1996 Third Session: Tehran, Iran, 21-23 February 2000 Fourth Session: Colombo, Sri Lanka, 8-10 December 2005Secretariat focal pointJulian Barbiere Website Sources of funding Financial contributions (US$)2006-20072008-2009Regular programme$0Regular programme$20,000Extrabudgetary $ n.a.Extrabudgetary $ n.a.Total $Total $Staff (no.)2006-20072008-2009IOC IOCSecondedSecondedTotal TotalMain activities and outputs and contribution to IOC high-level objectives and programme priorities (as identified in Resolution XXIV-2)A great portion of IOCINDIO activities in the last five years have been directly or indirectly linked to the regions capacity building in different aspects of Ocean Sciences, Operational Observing System and Ocean Services. The activities were conducted in line with IOC objectives and mainly in collaboration with other IOC programmes and projects or other regional subsidiary bodies, agencies and organizations. Some of the major activities include: Conduction of a large number of training courses and workshops in collaboration with other regional programs and organisations Establishment of ODINCIDNIO Establishment of GCRMN Node for the Persian Gulf and Sea of Oman Conduction of IOCINDIO IV meeting Contribution in development of Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning System Contribution in development of capacity building strategy of IOC Participation in IOC, IODE, IOGOOS and other relevant meetings Strategic and planning documentsCooperation IOC Subsidiary Bodies IODE, IOGOOS, GLOSSUNESCO Field OfficesDohaUN agencies Other organizations ROPMEIssues and risksLast external evaluationDecisions/action required of the Executive Council Title of Subsidiary BodyIOC Regional Committee for the Central and Eastern Atlantic (IOCEA)Date and resolution of establishment1984, Resolution EC-XVII.7, Programme Group for the Central Eastern AtlanticTerms of referencePrepare a programme of research for the Central Eastern Atlantic; Promote and co-ordinate the execution of work plans by the Member States; Promote exchange of marine scientific information and data within the ocean services of the Commission, particularly in the framework of the IODE System and ASFIS; Promote the training, education and mutual assistance required for the enhancement of the national capabilities of the developing countries of the region in marine science and ocean services through co-operation, also with the Member States from outside the region; Promote and facilitate co-operation within the region in order to make efficient use of existing and new research facilities and expertise; Meet at least once every three years to review the progress in the implementation of the agreed programme of work. Revised, expanded terms of reference were provided at IOCEA-I, Annex V of IOCEA-I/3. Sunset clauses None MembershipAngola, Benin, Cameroon, Congo, Cote d'Ivoire, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Mauritania, Morocco, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo. France, Portugal, Russian Federation (USSR), Spain, UK, Ukraine have participated in sessions.GovernanceElected/appointed Officers Chairman: Mr. Julius Wellens-Mensah (Ghana) for 20002002 Vice-chairman: Dr. Jean Folack (Cameroon) for 20002002Structure Sessions held IOCEA-I, Praia, Cape Verde, 1923 January 1987 IOCEA-II, Lagos, Nigeria, 1923 February 1990 IOCEA-III, Dakar, Senegal, 18-22 January 1993 IOCEA-IV, Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, Spain, 812 May 1995 IOCEA-V, Dakar, Senegal, 511 May 2000Secretariat focal pointWebsite Sources of funding Financial contributions (US$)2006-20072008-2009Regular programme$Regular programme$25,000Extrabudgetary $Extrabudgetary $ n.a.Total $Total $Staff (no.)2006-20072008-2009IOC IOCSecondedSecondedTotal TotalMain activities and outputs and contribution to IOC high-level objectives and programme priorities (as identified in Resolution XXIV-2)To be identified at IOCEA-V.Strategic and planning documents To be developed at IOCEA-V.Cooperation IOC Subsidiary Bodies UNESCO Field OfficesAccraUN agencies Other organizations Issues and risksLast external evaluationDecisions/action required of the Executive Council Title of Subsidiary BodyIOC Regional Committee for the Black Sea (BSRC)Date and resolution of establishmentResolution XVIII.17 of the 18th Session of the IOC Assembly (June 1995)Terms of referenceBSRC is an intergovernmental subsidiary body, composed on National Co-ordinations designated by the Member States of the IOC, responsible for the co-ordination and supervision of the scientific and service activities of the Commission at the regional level. BSRC is expected to take decisions and act as necessary to give effect to the Commissions policy decisions, within its Terms of Reference and allocated budget. BSRC makes Recommendations to the Governing Bodies of the Commission on policy matters within its Terms of Reference and on future actions required.Sunset clauses None MembershipBulgaria, Georgia, Romania, the Russian Federation, Turkey, UkraineGovernanceElected/appointed Officers Chairman: Prof. Valery Eremeev (Ukraine) Executive Secretary: Dr. Shukru Besiktepe (Turkey)Structure Black Sea GOOS Steering Committee established as an associated collective member of the BSRC (approved by Resolution XXI-10 of the 21st session of the Assembly, July 2001) in May 2001, Poti, GeorgiaSessions held First session: Varna, Bulgaria, 1013 September 1996 Second session: Istanbul, Turkey, 56 May 1999Secretariat focal pointWebsite Sources of funding Financial contributions (US$)2006-20072008-2009Regular programme$0Regular programme$0Extrabudgetary $ n.a.Extrabudgetary $ n.a.Total $Total $Staff (no.)2006-20072008-2009IOC IOCSecondedSecondedTotal TotalMain activities and outputs and contribution to IOC high-level objectives and programme priorities (as identified in Resolution XXIV-2)Strategic and planning documentsCooperation IOC Subsidiary Bodies UNESCO Field OfficesUN agencies Other organizations International Ocean Institute (IOI), 2002Issues and risksLast external evaluationDecisions/action required of the Executive Council Joint Subsidiary Bodies Title of Subsidiary BodyJoint IOC-IHO Guiding Committee for the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO)Date and resolution of establishmentJune 1974, Resolution EC-IV/3 item 4.3.1Terms of referenceThe GEBCO Guiding Committee shall: 1. Guide the GEBCO Project, under the general governance of IHO and IOC while recognising and following IHO and IOC policies, where they are concordant. 2. Prepare and disseminate maps, grids, data files and other appropriate depictions of the ocean floor. 3. Identify the needs of the various user communities of the bathymetry of the worlds oceans, study the ways and means whereby these needs can be met and, where appropriate, implement actions or propose to IOC and IHO actions, within their purview, which meet these needs. 4. Stimulate the flow of data relevant to the GEBCO Project by actively identifying sources of new data and encouraging and promoting the release of data to appropriate data banks, with the objective of ensuring that maximum available data are provided to the IHO Data Centre for Digital Bathymetry (DCDB). 5. Supervise the development, maintenance and routine updating of GEBCO products. Activities are to include but are not restricted to: Study and set out procedures for new compilations of bathymetry. Develop standards and methodologies for the production of bathymetric maps and grids and recommend their adoption to the IHO and IOC and to the seafloor mapping community. Supervise the development, production and updating of a worldwide grid of digital bathymetric data. Supervise the preparation and maintenance, in association with national and international bodies, of an authoritative IHO/IOC GEBCO Gazetteer of Undersea Feature Names (Gazetteer of Geographical Names of Undersea Features). Study and implement the best distribution mechanism for the effective use of GEBCO products by all users. 6. Investigate and develop logistical and financial arrangements necessary for the furtherance of the GEBCO Project with the assistance of the IHB and IOC Secretariats. 7. Integrate into its products the geographical names of undersea features that appear in the IHO/IOC GEBCO Gazetteer of Undersea Feature Names. 8. Direct and monitor the work of the GEBCO Sub-Committees and Working Groups; propose to IHO and IOC the creation or termination of Sub-Committees, and create, maintain and terminate Working Groups as deemed necessary. 9. Cooperate, through the Consultative Group on Ocean Mapping (CGOM), with regional International Bathymetric Chart (IBC) projects on the specifications and preparation of regional bathymetric charts, to ensure their compatibility with, and eventual inclusion in, GEBCO products. 10. Build capacity by encouraging and enabling the training and scientific education of new generations of ocean mapping operational experts (bathymetrists) worldwide. 11. Pursue policies that facilitate the suitability of GEBCO products not only for scientific users but also, where appropriate, for educational and socio-economic purposes in the broadest sense. 12. Take all practical opportunities to advocate the scientific and societal benefits of mapping the seafloor. 13. The GEBCO Guiding Committee shall report to the IHO and IOC annually and should also propose activities to be considered in the IHOs and IOCs work programs, identifying and requesting, where necessary, the required funding support. Sunset clauses None MembershipIOC Member States GovernanceGEBCO Guiding Committee, Chairman, Vice-chairmen. GEBCO GC meets once every two years. Elected/appointed Officers Chairman: Mr. David Monahan, Canada Vice-chairmen: Dr. Robin K.N. Falconer, New Zeeland, 5 members from IOC, 5 Members from IHOStructure Working groups: 1. Sub-Committee on Ocean Mapping (SCOM) 2. Sub-Committee on Undersea Features Names (SCUFN)Sessions held Twenty-fourth Meeting of GEBCO Guiding Committee November 2007 (Paris. France.)Secretariat focal point(s)Mr. Dmitri TravinSources of funding  RP,In-kind contributions from Member States through national and international projects. Financial contributions (US$)2006-20072008-2009Regular programme$40,000Regular programme$20,000Extrabudgetary $0Extrabudgetary $0Total $40,000Total $20,000Staff (no.)2006-20072008-2009IOC GEBCO has no StaffIOCGEBCO has no StaffSecondedSecondedTotal TotalMain activities and outputs and contribution to IOC high-level objectives and programme priorities  Bathymetric Data collection , updating of international and national data bases Strategic and planning documentsDevelop and constantly improve the authoritative description of global ocean depths; Act as the designated international authority for undersea feature names; Advance the development and application of sea floor mapping technology; Encourage and facilitate scientific cooperation leading to the exchange and preservation of bathymetric data and associated metadata; Foster collaboration among individuals and organizations with established and developing expertise so as to assist local and regional mapping efforts to attain a global standard of quality; Identify oceanic areas that are insufficiently surveyed and recommend to surveying and/orocean-going organizations and institutions that such areas are mapped; Promote education and training in ocean mapping; Bring together ocean mappers and users of bathymetry thereby leading to products that are more widely used in science and education. GEBCO is an IHO and IOC Project that is open to all those interested in mapping the ocean floor. It relies largely on the voluntary efforts of an international collaborating community of scientists and hydrographers with the support of the IHO and the IOC. GEBCO is led by the Joint IHO-IOC GEBCO Guiding Committee. Cooperation IOC Subsidiary Bodies CGOMUNESCO Field OfficesUN agencies IMOOther organizations IHO, IHB Nippon Foundation Med-GLOSSIssues and risksLast external evaluationDecisions/action required of the 41st Executive CouncilApproval of GEBCO Revised Terms of Reference Title of Subsidiary BodyJoint WMO-IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM)Date and resolution of establishmentIOC-XX-12, 1999Terms of referenceJCOMM's terms of reference are to (i) further develop the observing networks; (ii) implement data management systems; (iii) deliver products and services (iv) provide capacity building to Member States; (v) assist in the documentation and management of the data in international systems.Sunset clauses None MembershipMembers/Members States of WMO and IOCGovernanceElected/appointed Officers (10/05 until JCOMM-III, 2009): Drs Jean-Louis Fellous (France) and Peter Dexter (Australia)Structure Management Committee; one Cross-cutting Team on Satellite Data Requirements and one on Capacity Building; one Coordination Group for each of the three Programme Areas (Observations, Data Management and Products and Services); and groups of experts within each Programme Area.Sessions held JCOMM-II Halifax, September 2005  HYPERLINK "http://www.jcomm.info" http://www.jcomm.info JCOMM-III TBD, 2009 Secretariat focal pointWebsite Sources of funding Financial contributions (US$)2006-20072008-2009Regular programme$100,000Regular programme$110,000Extrabudgetary $15,000Extrabudgetary $ n.a.Total $115,000Total $Staff (no.)2006-20072008-2009IOC IOCSecondedSecondedTotal TotalMain activities and outputs and contribution to IOC high-level objectives and programme priorities (as identified in Resolution XXIV-2)Strategic and planning documentsCooperation IOC Subsidiary Bodies UNESCO Field OfficesUN agencies Other organizations Issues and risksLast external evaluationDecisions/action required of the Executive Council Task Teams Title of Subsidiary BodyWorking Group on Tsunamis and Other Hazards Related to Sea-Level Warning and Mitigation Systems (TOWS-WG)Date and resolution of establishmentIOC-XXIV.14, June 2007Terms of referenceAdvise on coordinated development and implementation activities on warning and mitigation systems for tsunamis and other hazards related to sea level of common priority to all ICG/TWSs, with special emphasis on: harmonization and standardization of relevant observation, data management and communication, forecast and warning practices development of synergies in capacity-building and outreach activities reinforcement of intergovernmental, international and national capabilities on hazard knowledge, vulnerability, and impact assessment effective coordination with all related subsidiary bodies, experts groups and partner organizations with relevant mandates. Report to the IOC Executive Council and Assembly on these common activities and propose new actions, as required. Advise the IOC Executive Council and Assembly regarding: instructions to the relevant subsidiary bodies responsible for coordinating the implementation of TOWS-WG actions; and any liaison or consultation required with relevant international and intergovernmental stakeholders in implementing TOWS-WG actions not under the unique mandate of IOC. 2. The TOWS-WG reviews and provides guidance on establishing the framework mechanism for a comprehensive, sustained and integrated end-to-end global system covering tsunami and other hazards related to sea level, exploiting existing IOC mechanisms, capacities and capabilities, and facilitating priority projects and programmes, in alignment with the IOC Strategic Plan and IOC Executive Council decisions and in coordination with relevant stakeholders. Sunset clauses NoneMembershipThe Chairpersons of the four ICG-TWSs, and of I-GOOS, JCOMM, IODE Three Members of the IOC Executive Council, nominated by the Chairperson, taking into account geographical distribution High-level representatives invited from the key TOWS-WG stakeholders in disaster risk reduction outside IOC, including WMO and other ISDR System members, FDSN/GSN, and other relevant intergovernmental and international agencies Appointed members of the Executive Council may be re-appointed for a second two year termGovernanceOfficers composed of an IOC Vice-Chair as Chair and a Vice-ChairElected/appointed Officers Chair: Dr. Neville Smith (Australia), Vice-Chair Dr Francois Gerald (France)Structure No further sub-structureSessions held 1st meeting on 3-4 April 2008Secretariat focal pointUlrich WolfWebsite  HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-unesco.org" www.ioc-unesco.org Sources of funding Financial contributions (US$)2006-20072008-2009Regular programme$ Regular programme$ 9,000Extrabudgetary $Extrabudgetary $Total $Total $Staff (no.)2006-20072008-2009IOC IOCSecondedSecondedTotal TotalMain activities and outputs and contribution to IOC high-level objectives and programme priorities (as identified in Resolution XXIV-2)High Level Objective (HLO) 1 - Prevention and reduction of impacts of natural hazards in the context of the IOC strategic plan, and within HLO 1 particularly the Main Line of Action 3: Risks from tsunamis and other ocean-related hazards reduced through early warning systems and preparedness and mitigation measures Strategic and planning documentsGOHWMS Framework Document Cooperation IOC Subsidiary Bodies IGOOS, JCOMM, (ICAM)UNESCO Field OfficesUN agencies WMO, ISDROther organizations FDSNIssues and risksLast external evaluationDecisions/action required of the Executive CouncilAdoption of recommendations of the 1st meeting Endorsement of the revised GOHWMS Framework Document Groups of Experts Title of Subsidiary BodyGlobal Sea Level Observing System Group of Experts (GLOSS-GE)Date and resolution of establishmentThe 21st IOC Executive Council (7-15 March 1988, Paris) established the GLOSS GE; Resolution IOC EC-XXI.2. Terms of referenceThe Terms of Reference for GLOSS were first established in Resolution IOC EC-XXI.2 These ToRs were subsequently modified with the adoption of the GLOSS 1997 Implementation Plan by the 19th IOC Assembly and the associated resolution. With the establishment of JCOMM, the GLOSS ToRs were adjusted through IOC EC XXIII (2000) resolution and the latest ToRs are given in Annex I to IOC EC Resolution XXIII-13: (i) Advise JCOMM on the implementation of the GLOSS System, at global and regional levels; (ii) Work closely with the GSC and its subsidiary bodies on the integration of GLOSS into GOOS; (iii) Update the GLOSS Implementation Plan regularly; (iv) Ensure proper liaison with international research programmes and relevant international organizations; (v) Provide advice on the development of TEMA components of GLOSS, regarding training of specialists, provision of instruments, their installation and maintenance, data evaluation and interpretation; (vi) Report periodically to the IOC Governing Bodies and to JCOMM.Sunset clauses None MembershipThe composition of the GLOSS GE is not fixed. Invitation is made from the global pool of expertise, based on perceived progress and priorities. [i.e. GLOSS Implementation Plan page 50] Invited observers from other organizations, programmes and projects. GovernanceGroup meets every two years. Elected/appointed Officers Chairman: Mark Merrifield (USA)Structure Scientific Sub-Group of GLOSS (Chair: Gary Mitchum, USA) Sessions held GLOSS GE I (19-23 June 1989, Liverpool) GLOSS GE II (22-26 October 1990, Miami) GLOSS GE III (13-15 October 1992, Paris) GLOSS GE IV (31 January - 3 February 1995, Bordeaux) GLOSS GE V (19-21 March 1997, Pasadena) GLOSS GE VI (12-14 May 1999, Toulouse) GLOSS GE VII (26-27 April 2001, Honolulu) GLOSS GE VIII (16-17 October 2003, Paris) GLOSS GE IX (24-25 February 2005, Paris) GLOSS GE X (6-8 June 2007, Paris) Secretariat focal point(s)Thorkild AarupWebsite  HYPERLINK "http://www.gloss-sealevel.org" http://www.gloss-sealevel.org Sources of funding In kind: More than 55 Member States contribute observations to GLOSS through sea level observing station networks run by national sea level agencies (i.e. hydrographic/geodetic/port/meteorological agencies or marine institutions). National and international projects contributing to GLOSS. Financial contributions (US$)2006-2007Regular programme$ 25,000 (2006-2007)Extrabudgetary $ 60,000 (2006-2007) Plus earmarked funds for tide gauge upgrades and training in Africa (OdinAfrica) and in the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning System (Finland and Norway contributions)Total $ Staff (no.)2006-2007IOC Thorkild Aarup (~60%)Detailedn.a.Total n.a.Main activities and outputs and contribution to IOC high-level objectives and programme priorities (as identified in Resolution XXIV-2)Coordination of global sea level observation activities with the aim of sustaining/developing the GLOSS Core Network. as part of the GOOS. Coordination of implementation of sea level observation networks that contribute to tsunami and hazard monitoring. Hosted and co-organized the WCRP workshop: Understanding Sea Level Rise and Variability (6-9 June 2006, Paris). Book to be published in early 2009. Coordinate training course in sea level observation and data analysis, and technical expert visits.Strategic and planning documentsGLOSS Implementation Plan adopted by the 19the IOC Assembly (1997). Cooperation IOC Subsidiary Bodies GOOS GOOS Regional Alliances JCOMM IOTWS PTWS NEAMTWS CARIB-EWS MedGLOSS (sponsored by IOC and CIESM)UNESCO Field OfficesAs needed for provision of equipment UN agencies WMO WCRP Other organizations PERSGA ESEAS IHO Issues and risksLast external evaluationDecisions/action required of the 41st Executive Council  Este documento constituye una compilacin preliminar y no se dispone de informacin completa acerca de todos los rganos subsidiarios.  COI. Manual de la COl. Parte I Constitucin y otros textos oficiales. IOC/INF-785. Pars: UNESCO, 1989, reimpresin 1995.  IOC. Guidelines for the Structure and Responsibilities of the Subsidiary Bodies of the Commission and for the Establishment of Decentralized Offices. Pars: UNESCO, IOC/INF-1193 prov. 2004.  Artculo 24.1 del Reglamento de la COI.  COI. Manual de la COl. Parte I Constitucin y otros textos oficiales. IOC/INF-785. Pars: UNESCO, 1989, reimpresin 1995.  En virtud de los artculos 25.1 y 29 del Reglamento, si se considera necesario para convocar a un rgano subsidiario principal y prestarle servicios.  UNESCO, Textos fundamentales. Pars: UNESCO, 2008.     Distribucin limitada IOC/EC-XLI/2 Anexo 5 Pars, 21 de mayo de 2008 Original: Ingls  COMISIN OCEANOGRFICA INTERGUBERNAMENTAL (de la UNESCO) 41a reunin del Consejo Ejecutivo UNESCO, Pars, 24 de junio 1 de julio de 2008 IOC/EC-XLI/2 Anexo 5 pg.  PAGE 2 IOC/EC-XLI/2 Anexo 5 pg.  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