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Ces volutions incluent notamment la cration du Groupe sur l'observation de la Terre (GEO) et lattention croissante que les pays portent dsormais ladaptation au changement climatique. Le programme du SMOC est galement concern par llaboration et la mise en uvre du Cadre mondial pour les services climatologiques (GFCS) et du Systme mondial intgr des systmes d'observation de l'OMM (WIGOS), ainsi que par les conclusions du GIEC. Les rcents changements intervenus dans le domaine de lobservation du climat ont galement entran une volution du cadre des services climatologiques pour les programmes des autres organismes partenaires, notamment linitiative Future Earth, le GOOS et le programme PROVIA. En outre, lOrgane subsidiaire de conseil scientifique et technologique (SBSTA) de la Convention-cadre des Nations Unies sur les changements climatiques (CCNUCC) a examin le calendrier des futures contributions du SMOC au SBSTA, lobjectif tant de dterminer la pertinence des systmes dobservation du climat, dvaluer les progrs et dactualiser le plan de mise en uvre. 2. Les paragraphes suivants rcapitulent les principales conclusions du Comit dexamen du SMOC. 3. Il ne fait aucun doute que le SMOC doit tre maintenu. Il est indispensable. Sil devait cesser dexister, il faudrait le crer nouveau. Pour que le SMOC soit mme de relever les dfis futurs, le Mmorandum daccord devrait tre rvis sur la base dun rexamen attentif de lensemble de ses chapitres et de ses annexes. Le Mmorandum daccord rvis devrait tenir compte de tous les points qui y figurent dj, ainsi que de la nouvelle vision et des nouveaux engagements des organismes coparrainants, tels quun mcanisme de coopration renforc et une structure optimise pour le Secrtariat, le Comit directeur et les panels, avec lappui dune base financire plus stable comme pralable tout le reste. 4. Le Mmorandum daccord rvis tient compte des recommandations formules par le Comit dexamen du SMOC, intgrant par ailleurs les bonnes pratiques instaures depuis 1998 en ce qui concerne la gestion du programme. Le projet de mmorandum daccord rvis a t examin par le conseiller juridique de lOMM et approuv en vue de sa signature. Il actualise lide selon laquelle le SMOC doit sappuyer sur dautres systmes dobservation, notamment le Systme mondial d'observation de l'ocan (GOOS), et reconnat limportance des variables climatologiques essentielles comme notion permettant de dfinir les besoins. Il met laccent sur llaboration dune stratgie visant donner plus de clart et de visibilit la mise en uvre du programme. 5. Le texte de lannexeC au Mmorandum daccord, relative aux dispositions financires, demeure en grande partie inchang et souligne une fois encore que les organismes coparrainants doivent apporter des contributions appropries au fonctionnement du SMOC. 6. Le principal changement apport la structure du programme est la cration dun Comit de la coopration, groupe consultatif stratgique auprs des organismes coparrainants ayant pour objectif premier de veiller ce que le SMOC soit en mesure de rpondre aux attentes des organismes coparrainants et des utilisateurs. Il contribuera crer un nouveau mouvement de soutien en faveur du SMOC en nouant des liens avec des groupes qui ne cooprent pas habituellement avec la communaut du SMOC et de lobservation du climat. Une collaboration troite avec les parties prenantes permettra de faire en sorte que le SMOC continue de fournir des orientations et des solutions pertinentes et claires en vue dun systme mondial efficace dobservation du climat. Les principales fonctions de ce comit sont les suivantes: (i) formuler des avis et des recommandations lintention du Comit directeur, du Directeur du SMOC et des organismes coparrainants en ce qui concerne les priorits du programme ncessitant de nouvelles ressources; (ii) approuver et superviser la stratgie du SMOC en matire de coopration et de communication, notamment en donnant des orientations stratgiques et en trouvant de nouveaux moyens de favoriser la coopration et les partenariats avec les utilisateurs; (iii) fournir des conseils concernant la stratgie et les activits de collecte de fonds; (iv) formuler des avis concernant le dveloppement et limpact des nouvelles initiatives en matire dobservation de la Terre; (v) donner des orientations quant la manire damliorer la coopration avec le secteur priv pour les questions lies aux observations mondiales du climat. APPENDIX MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION (WMO) THE INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANOGRAPHIC COMMISSION (IOC) OF THE UNITED NATIONS EDUCATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURAL ORGANIZATION (UNESCO) THE UNITED NATIONS ENVIRONMENT PROGRAMME (UNEP) AND THE INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL FOR SCIENCE (ICSU) Draft revised on 26 October 2015 The WMO, the IOC of UNESCO, the UNEP, and the ICSU, NOTING: (1) The recommendation of the Second World Climate Conference concerning the creation of a Global Climate Observing System; (2) Resolution 18 (Cg-XVI) of the Sixteenth World Meteorological Congress on the World Climate Programme (WCP); (3) Resolution 39 (Cg-17) of the Seventeenth World Meteorological Congress on the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS); (4) Resolution 48 (Cg-XVI) of the Sixteenth World Meteorological Congress on the implementation of the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS); (5) The decision of the sixtieth meeting of the ICSU Executive Board that ICSU should join WMO and IOC of UNESCO in the formation of the Global Climate Observing System; (6) The decision of the sixteenth session of the UNEP Governing Council that UNEP should support, within available resources, the creation of a Global Climate Observing System and assist in ensuring that its development and implementation are pursued with urgency; (7) Resolution 50 (Cg-XVI) of the Sixteenth World Meteorological Congress on the implementation of the WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS); (8) Resolution XVI-8 of the sixteenth session of the IOC Assembly to undertake the development of a Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) and participate in the Global Climate Observing System; (9) The decision taken in 1996 by FAO, ICSU, UNEP, UNESCO and WMO to create the Global Terrestrial Observing System (GTOS); (10) The decisions of the sponsoring organizations on other programmes including Future Earth, Blue Planet, and similar related Earth Observing Programmes; (11) Articles 4 and 5 of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) committing parties to promote and cooperate in systematic observation; (12) Decisions of the Parties to the UNFCCC related to systematic observation and the reporting of the GCOS on this matter; (13) The outcomes of the Earth Observation Summits in Washington (2003), Tokyo (2004), Brussels (2005), and the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) Ministerial Summits in Cape Town (2007) and Beijing (2010) where GEO was created, endorsed and implemented; (14) Agenda 21 which calls for systematic observations in support of sustainable development; (15) Recommendations made by the Commission on Sustainable Development toward the development of global environmental observing systems; (16) The Climate Agenda, which supports, in Thrust 4, the Dedicated Observations of the Climate System; RECOGNIZING that the Assessment Reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) states, with regard to observed changes and their causes, that the human influence on the climate system is clear, and recent anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases are the highest in history, and that recent climate changes have had widespread impacts on human and natural systems; RECOGNIZING the importance of the existing observation systems and networks and the evolution of observing systems; CONSIDERING that the required information will encompass in situ, airborne and space-based data from operational meteorological, hydrological, oceanographic and other relevant programmes, as well as observations from research programmes; AGREE: (1) To cooperate in organizing and supporting a Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) based on the coordination of existing or planned operational and research programmes for observing the global climate system, and the further development of these programmes as required, to ensure continuity of climate observations; (2) That GCOS shall, as its long-range objectives, support all aspects of the WCP and any new programme that may replace it, or that is created to compliment the WCP and relevant aspects of other climate-related global programmes. Specifically GCOS will ensure that climate observations must be enhanced and continued into the future to enable users to: detect further climate change and determine its causes; to model and predict the climate system; to assess impacts of climate variability and change; to monitor the effectiveness of policies for mitigating climate change; to support adaptation to climate change; to develop climate information services; to promote sustainable national economic development; and to meet requirements of the international environment conventions and agreements and those of the UNFCCC; (3) To consult and call upon other relevant national and international agencies, institutions and organizations, to collaborate in the organization of, and participate in, the implementation of GCOS; (4) To establish a GCOS Steering Committee to provide scientific and technical guidance for the programme and further development of GCOS and a GCOS Secretariat; (5) To be advisory to co-sponsors of GCOS on climate observations; (6) To support, through appropriate administrative and financial arrangements, the activities of the GCOS Secretariat and the basic resources needed to operate the Steering Committee; AGREE FURTHER that the GCOS Steering Committee shall be the main scientific and technical body for formulating the overall concept and scope of GCOS, and for advising on the further development of GCOS; APPROVE the procedures to be followed in implementing this Memorandum of Understanding which are specified in the following Annexes: ANNEX A: Concept of the Global Climate Observing System ANNEX B: Terms of Reference, structure and functions of the GCOS Steering Committee and Terms of Reference, structure and functions of the GCOS Secretariat ANNEX C: Financial arrangements ANNEX D: Engagement Committee AGREE that this Memorandum of Understanding shall be reviewed every four years by the sponsoring organizations, and may be called for review at any time by one of the sponsoring organizations; AGREE that other organizations and agencies, which contribute to the implementation of GCOS and wish to join in the sponsorship of GCOS, may become a party to this Memorandum of Understanding, including its appropriate administrative and financial arrangements; AGREE that this Memorandum of Understanding shall come into force on signature by all four parties. Secretary-General Executive Secretary Executive Director Executive Director WMO IOC ICSU UNEP Place Place Place Place Date Date Date Date ANNEX A CONCEPT OF THE GLOBAL CLIMATE OBSERVING SYSTEM GCOS as a programme: 1. GCOS is an active and successful programme serving a broad range of user needs for globally coordinated climate observations. Its goal is to provide comprehensive data and climate information on the total climate system, including a range of physical, chemical and biological properties, along with atmospheric, oceanic, hydrologic, cryospheric and terrestrial processes. 2. GCOS is working with existing or planned operational and research programmes for acquiring the global climate system data. It enables the identification of data needs to enable the further development of these programmes to ensure continuity and diversification of climate observations. Data needs are organized around the concept of Essential Climate Variables (ECVs). 3. GCOS delivers the design, plans and architecture for a global climate observing system to support climate research, assessments and services. Its vision is a comprehensive climate observing system supporting climate services and improved understanding of the climate system. 4. GCOS is the single point for coordination, working through bodies such as the WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS), GOOS, the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) and the Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites (CGMS) for implementation; and plays a significant role for the broader observation requirements of the GFCS. 5. GCOS will ensure data needs are met, as far as possible, by existing operational and scientific observing, data management and information distribution systems, and through further enhancements of these systems, as well as through encouraging new systems to be established. GCOS will be implemented through, inter alia: (a) WIGOS; (b) Related atmospheric constituent observing systems managed by the Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW); (c) Related physical, chemical and biological ocean observations managed by GOOS and its related Framework for Ocean Observing (FOO); (d) Related land surface ecosystem, hydrosphere, and cryosphere measurements managed by GTOS and related frameworks; (e) The maintenance and enhancement of programmes monitoring other key components of the climate system; (f) Programmes to monitor the key physical, chemical and biological aspects of the impacts of climate change, including the World Climate Services Programme (WCSP), and the human dimensions of climate change; (g) Data communication and other infrastructures necessary to support operational climate forecasting of the WCP, the WMO Information System (WIS) and the Climate Services Information System (CSIS) of the GFCS. Partnerships: 6. GCOS is engaged in the development of observing systems that allow the quantification of climate impacts (e.g., health, energy, and water and food sectors) and associated information for national economic development. GCOS will strive to strengthen its relations with partners developing new initiatives that address data on interactions between humans and the environment by: (a) GCOS and partner entities contributing to the Observation and Monitoring pillar of the GFCS devising a joint strategic plan to define the function and responsibilities of GCOS in the GFCS; (b) GCOS is recognized as an element of the GFCS: GCOS standards, its recommendations for observations, and its strategy for climate observations are in support of the GFCS and, in particular, for the CSIS; (c) GCOS and GEO developing an effective cooperation with the goal of building a robust and sustained climate observing system; (d) GCOS and its sponsors communicating with the Global Programme of Research on Climate Change Vulnerability, Impacts and Adaptation (PROVIA) and Future Earth, to clarify the functions and responsibilities of GCOS in their respective activities. GCOS as a System of Systems: 7. GCOS should comprise of any data and information on the climate system taken by in situ, airborne or space-based techniques and platforms, while the ownership of the observing systems and networks will remain fully with their operating entities. 8. The GCOS ECVs comprise all physical, chemical and biological properties needed to describe the climate system. GCOS will: (a) Elaborate the ECV concept to specify its key deliverables and outputs, continuing the process of emphasizing fields and products and de-emphasizing individual observing platforms; (b) Develop systematic data observation requirements for in situ, airborne and space-based data products for climate. Strategy: 9. The strategy of the GCOS programme will clearly have to define how the climate community should implement, maintain and support the climate observing system: (a) The GCOS Secretariat will increase the visibility of the programme, its achievements and ambitions using available and modern media tools; (b) The GCOS Secretariat will develop a communication strategy that will provide additional clarity about the purpose of GCOS; (c) The GCOS Secretariat will develop a short statement of strategy, based on the vision, to guide priority setting and to communicate to stakeholders the aims and intended benefits of GCOS; (d) GCOS scope will include data on adaptation to and mitigation of climate change and its regional dimensions. Capacity-building: 10. The GCOS cooperation mechanism is the strategic approach to capacity-building to meet some of the needs of developing countries with regard to identifying data and observational requirements, and is applied in partnership with existing observing systems and programmes. 11. GCOS is strengthening its ties to national governments by promoting the role of national and regional coordinators, in providing an international GCOS summit or a series of regional GCOS summits. __________ ANNEX B TERMS OF REFERENCE, STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONS OF THE GCOS STEERING COMMITTEE AND GCOS SECRETARIAT 1. Terms of reference 1.1 The functions of the GCOS Steering Committee are to formulate the overall concept and scope of GCOS, and to provide scientific and technical advice to sponsoring and participating organizations and agencies for the planning, implementation and further development of GCOS. 1.2 Specifically, the Steering Committee will be called upon: (a) To identify observational data needs requirements, define design objectives and recommend coordinated actions by sponsoring and participating organizations and agencies, in order to optimize the system's performance and coherence, taking cognizance of the responsibilities, working arrangements and recommendations of established scientific and technical bodies of such organizations and agencies; (b) To review and assess the development and implementation of the components of GCOS, and report to the sponsoring organizations and to the participating agencies, as required; (c) To facilitate the exchange of information among sponsoring and participating organizations and agencies, and in general make the objectives, resource requirements, capabilities and outputs of GCOS known to relevant national and international bodies. 2. Membership 2.1 The Steering Committee shall be appointed jointly by the Executive Heads of the sponsoring organizations by mutual consent. 2.2 The Steering Committee shall consist of up to sixteen scientific and technical experts selected on the basis of their personal expertise. The chairpersons of standing panels will be members ex officio. 2.3 The membership of the Steering Committee shall include a balanced geographical gender representation, as well as an appropriate mix of disciplines in atmospheric, oceanic, hydrological, cryospheric and biospheric sciences. Experts in both in situ and remote sensing techniques will be included. 2.4 The members will be appointed for an initial term of appointment of three years. The membership shall be reviewed regularly by the Executive Heads of the sponsoring organizations, bearing in mind the need to ensure reasonable continuity and influx of new members. Members should have the possibility of serving for two terms. 2.5 No member of the Steering Committee, including the Chairperson, should have an official position on any of its subsidiary bodies. 2.6 GFCS should have an ex officio position on the Steering Committee, to be nominated by the Chairperson of the Intergovernmental Board on Climate Services. 3. Officers 3.1 The officers of the Steering Committee shall consist of a Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson selected by the Executive Heads of the sponsoring organizations and shall be appointed for three-year terms. 3.2 The duties of the Chairperson of the Steering Committee shall be: (a) To preside over the sessions of the Committee and respond to its decisions; (b) To make decisions on behalf of the Committee between meetings; (c) To advise the GCOS Secretariat with respect to the fulfilment of GCOS plans and tasks; (d) To conduct, through the appropriate sponsoring organizations, correspondence on matters related to the organization, planning and implementation of GCOS; (e) To carry out specific duties as prescribed by decisions taken in agreement by the sponsoring organizations; (f) To arrange for the views of the Steering Committee to be presented to the sponsoring organizations; (g) To prepare annually, with the GCOS Secretariat, a brief report of GCOS planning and implementation activities, including the considerations and recommendations by the Steering Committee, and to present this report to the sponsoring organizations. 3.3 The duties of the Vice-Chairperson are to assist the Chairperson in his/her tasks and to substitute for him/her when required. 4. Sessions 4.1 The Steering Committee shall meet at least annually, the venue and dates to be decided by the Chairperson of the Committee in consultation with the Director of the GCOS Secretariat. Sessions shall normally be arranged so as to avoid scheduling conflicts with meetings of executive bodies of the sponsoring organizations. 4.2 The Director of the GCOS Secretariat, acting on behalf of the Chairperson of the Committee, shall inform the sponsoring and participating organizations and agencies, notify the members and make appropriate practical arrangements for the session. 4.3 Each sponsoring organization shall nominate one or two representatives to participate in the sessions of the Committee. The attendance of these representatives shall not be charged to the GCOS Fund. 4.4 Representatives of participating organizations and agencies and of the other observing systems may be invited to attend the sessions, in the capacity of observers. 4.5 Individual experts may be invited to participate in the sessions upon decision of the Chairperson of the Committee. The sponsoring organizations shall be informed of such invitations. 4.6 The sponsoring organizations shall provide such interpretation facilities as may be required, within budgetary provisions. Documents will normally be distributed in the original language in which they were submitted. 5. Working Groups and Consultants 5.1 The Steering Committee shall be authorized to establish and convene working groups, panels of scientific and technical experts, special study groups, etc., within its field of responsibility and within the budget approved by the sponsoring organizations, taking account of relevant scientific or technical groups established by the sponsoring organizations and their constituent bodies. 5.2 The membership, terms of reference and special requests addressed to working groups will be documented by the Director of the GCOS Secretariat on behalf of the Chairperson of the Committee. 6. GCOS Secretariat 6.1 The general functions of the GCOS Secretariat shall be to assist the Steering Committee in formulating the concept and in organizing the implementation of GCOS, and any other organizational or technical task, as the Steering Committee may decide. In particular, the Secretariat, under the responsibility of its Director, shall take charge for: (a) Preparing plans and guidance materials for the development and implementation of GCOS; (b) Providing secretarial support to the Steering Committee; (c) Maintaining scientific and technical liaison with relevant departments and constituent bodies of the sponsoring organizations, and all other relevant institutions or agencies, as required, for the development and implementation of GCOS; (d) Serving as the documentation and information centre for GCOS and preparing information or action documents pertaining to GCOS as required by the sponsoring organizations; (e) Making arrangements for GCOS planning and coordination activities, in accordance with the provisions of Annex C on Financial Arrangements, and following the guidelines provided by the Steering Committee. 6.2 The GCOS Secretariat shall be composed of a Director, one scientific technical staff and one administrative assistant, supported by the sponsoring organizations and other participating agencies, or supported directly by the Climate Observing System Fund (COSF). 6.3 The Director will be appointed by consensus agreement of the Executive Heads of the sponsoring organizations. The Director will normally have the status of a staff member of WMO and will be appointed by the Secretary-General of WMO. 6.4 The Director is responsible for managing the relationship of the GCOS Secretariat with the sponsoring and partner organizations. 6.5 The Director is responsible for allocating budget against activities according to the priorities agreed by the Steering Committee and approved by the sponsors. 6.6 The Director will be accountable, for administrative and financial matters, to the Secretary-General of WMO, in accordance with the provisions in Annex C. 6.7 The duties of the Director shall include: (a) To direct the work of the GCOS Secretariat; (b) To support the activities of the panels set up by the Steering Committee; (c) To direct the Atmospheric Observation Panel for Climate, the Ocean Observations Panel for Climate and the Terrestrial Observation Panel for Climate. It should be noted that the climate-related component of the GOOS will form the oceanographic component of GCOS and the climate-related component of the GTOS will form the terrestrial component of GCOS; (d) To maintain liaison with the Chairperson and the members of the Steering Committee; (e) To serve as the channel for communication between the Steering Committee and the sponsoring and participating organizations and agencies; (f) To collaborate, as required, with the Executive Heads of the sponsoring organizations. __________ ANNEX C FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS 1. The planning and implementation activities for GCOS will be financed by the sponsoring organizations, with funds appropriated in their budgets, and from extrabudgetary resources, which will also have to be adequate enough to maintain the basic resources to operate the GCOS Secretariat. Each sponsoring organization will make appropriate annual financial contributions to the COSF or through other agreed upon arrangements. 2. The Secretary-General of WMO shall administer the COSF made available from the sponsoring organizations and extrabudgetary resources in support of GCOS activities. The Fund will be administered in accordance with WMO Financial Regulations. 3. Contributions in-kind such as secondment of staff, provision of facilities, or support for meetings, publications, or other expenses, may be made by sponsoring organizations, supporting nations and participating organizations and agencies. 4. The Fund will adopt a biennial budget and reporting cycle, consistent with the practice of WMO. Corresponding periodic financial reports will be made available to the sponsoring organizations. 5. The cost of staff seconded to the GCOS Secretariat will normally be supported by the responsible sponsoring organizations. Alternatively, a sponsoring organization or participating agency may choose to make a financial contribution to the COSF, in the appropriate amount, to cover the cost of a position. WMO Regulations shall apply to staff positions. 6. A comprehensive budget estimate for all GCOS planning activities and the activities of the Steering Committee and its supporting staff will be submitted by the Director of the GCOS Secretariat to the Executive Heads of the sponsoring organizations, in due time for consideration in the preparation of programme and budget proposals, as required. 7. Additional contributions and grants to the COSF from sources other than sponsoring organizations may be accepted by the Secretary-General of WMO, provided the purposes of such contributions and grants are consistent with the overall objectives and tasks of GCOS, as described in this Memorandum of Understanding. The specific activities funded from such grants will be treated as an addition to the programme and level of expenditure approved for GCOS. 8. Should the activities of GCOS be brought to an end, then the remaining balance of the COSF, after the settlement of all financial commitments by the Secretary-General of WMO, will either be donated to WMO for the execution of specific scientific and technical activities subject to the agreement of the sponsoring organizations and other donors of GCOS, or it will be shared among the sponsoring organizations and other donors in proportion to their respective contributions to the Fund over the previous two years immediately preceding the end of GCOS. 9. These financial arrangements may be modified at any time by mutual agreement among the sponsoring organizations provided that no modification would result in conflict with applicable WMO Financial Regulations. 10. In case of doubt as to the interpretation or application of any of the present provisions, the Secretary-General of WMO is authorized to rule thereon, subject to prior consultation with the Executive Heads of the sponsoring organizations. _________     IOC/EC-XLIX/2 Annexe 7 page PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT2 IOC/EC-XLIX/2 Annexe 7 page PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT13 IOC/EC-XLIX/2 Annexe 7 Distribution limite Rsum Objet du document: Le Systme mondial OMM-COI-PNUE-CIUS dobservation du climat (SMOC) a fait lobjet, en 2013 et 2014, dun examen indpendant dont les rsultats ont t prsents lAssemble de la COI sa 28esession en 2015. LAssemble a raffirm la volont de la COI de continuer coparrainer le SMOC et a pri le Secrtaire excutif de collaborer avec les autres partenaires du SMOC afin de rviser le Mmorandum daccord en vigueur (1998), sur la base des recommandations du Comit dexamen du SMOC. Le prsent document expose les modifications apportes au Mmorandum daccord dans sa version rvise, jointe en appendice (anglais seulement) et approuve en vue de sa signature par les autres partenaires du SMOC (OMM, PNUE et CIUS). Incidences financires et administratives: La rvision du Mmorandum daccord concernant le SMOC ne modifie en rien les incidences financires et administratives pour la COI, le texte original du  HYPERLINK "http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/gcos/documents/GCOS%20Memo%201998.pdf" Mmorandum daccord de 1998 restant inchang en ce qui concerne le rle et les responsabilits des partenaires, ainsi que les dispositions financires. La dcision propose porte la rfrence EC-XLIX/Dc., 4.3(IV)dans le Document relatif aux dcisions adopter (document IOC/EC-XLIX/2 Prov.).  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