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Rf.: IOC/WWW/517PP/lf (Disponible en anglais, franais, espagnol et russe) Ostende, le 31 mars 2011 : Agence nationale officielle de coordination charge d'assurer la liaison avec la COI dans les tats membres de la Commission cc : Coordonnateurs nationaux de l'IODE pour la gestion des donnes ocanographiques Coordonnateurs nationaux de l'IODE pour la gestion de l'information marine Dlgus permanents/Missions dobservation des tats membres de la COI auprs de lUNESCO Commissions nationales des tats membres de la COI Prsidents et Vice-Prsidents des principaux organes subsidiaires de la COI Objet : PRSENTATION DE CANDIDATURES EN VUE DE LA NOMINATION DE MEMBRES DU GROUPE D'EXPERTS DE LIODE SUR LES PRATIQUES EN MATIRE D'CHANGE ET DE GESTION DES DONNES BIOLOGIQUES ET CHIMIQUES (GE-BICH) DOTS DUN MANDAT DE LONGUE DURE NOUVELLE DATE-BUTOIR Madame/Monsieur, Le Groupe d'experts de lIODE sur les pratiques en matire d'change et de gestion des donnes biologiques et chimiques (GE-BICH) a t cr conformment la recommandation IODE-XVI.4 de la 16e session du Comit de la COI sur l'IODE (2000). Son mandat a t rvis par la rsolution IODE-XIX.1 de la 19e session du Comit sur lIODE (2009). Ce mandat est joint lAnnexe I. Lnonc de mission de ce Groupe est le suivant : Favoriser une intgration accrue des donnes biologiques, chimiques et physiques dans le rseau IODE de centres nationaux de donnes lappui de la recherche biogochimique ainsi que des tudes et de la gestion cosystmiques . La 5esession du Groupe sest tenue en janvier 2011. / Conformment la recommandation IODE-XIX.2 Stratgie et structure des groupes dexperts de lIODE (voir Annexe II) adopte par lIODE sa 19e session, trois des membres actuels du Groupe (dots dun mandat de longue dure) ayant particip quatre intersessions devraient dsormais tre remplacs. La prsente lettre circulaire n 2369, publie le 27 janvier dernier, vous invitant prsenter la candidature dun expert national comptent susceptible de se voir attribuer un mandat de longue dure au sein du Groupe d'experts de lIODE sur les pratiques en matire d'change et de gestion des donnes biologiques et chimiques (GE-BICH), vous priait de rpondre au plus tard le 10 mars 2011. Il est regrettable que seules 5 rponses aient t reues dans les temps, alors que six prsentations de candidatures nous parvenaient entre le 11 et le 25 mars 2011. Ce point a t discut par le Comit de lIODE, lors de sa 21e session (Lige, du 23 au 26 mars 2011), et il a recommand de publier cette lettre circulaire une seconde fois, avec une nouvelle date-butoir au 31 mai 2011. En outre, il a t spcifi que les Etats membres ayant dj prsent des candidatures (la Belgique: 2, le Brsil, le Canada, la Chine, la Colombie, le Japon, le Maroc, la Tanzanie la Turquie et les Etats-Unis) ne seraient pas dans lobligation de resoumettre leurs candidatures; celles-ci seraient prises en compte automatiquement. A toutes fins utiles, vous trouverez ci-joint la version la plus rcente de lagenda (la 5e) de la session du Groupe (Annexe III). Afin de permettre au Groupe de continuer tudier les questions relevant de son mandat son rythme actuel, je vous saurais gr de bien vouloir envoyer les candidatures que vous proposez, par courrier lectronique, M. Peter Pissierssens ( HYPERLINK "mailto:p.pissierssens@unesco.org" p.pissierssens@unesco.org) au plus tard le 31 mai 2011. Je vous remercie pour votre collaboration et vous prie dagrer, Madame, Monsieur, lassurance de ma plus haute considration. [signature] Wendy Watson-Wright Secrtaire excutive de la COI Sous-Directrice gnrale, UNESCO P.J.: (en anglais uniquement): 1. Rsolution IODE-XIX.1 Mandat rvis du Groupe d'experts de lIODE sur les pratiques en matire d'change et de gestion des donnes biologiques et chimiques (GE-BICH) 2. Recommandation IODE-XIX.2 Stratgie et structure des groupes dexperts de lIODE 3. Ordre du jour de la 5e session du GE-BICH ANNEX I Resolution IODE-XIX.1 REVISED TERMS OF REFERENCE OF THE IODE GROUP OF EXPERTS ON BIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL DATA MANAGEMENT AND EXCHANGE PRACTICES (GE-BICH) The IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange, Recognizing that the work of the Group of Experts on Biological and Chemical Data Management and Exchange Practices has evolved from the initial focus on biodiversity to a coverage of a broader range of chemical and biological data which were not well covered before, Taking into account the decision of the IOC Executive Council on the possibility of continuation of the Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) under the umbrella of IOC, Noting that the 19th session of IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE-XIX) had extended the Terms of Reference to include communication of the results of the work of GE-BICH to the wider community of data managers and data users through a web portal and through the Ocean Teacher for education of data managers and data users, Decides that the GE-BICH adopts the following Mission Statement: To promote greater integration of biological, chemical and physical data within IODEs network of national data centres in support of biogeochemical research, and ecosystem studies and management. Further decides that the revised Terms of Reference be as follows: To provide an international forum, raising awareness about new initiatives, best practices, and emerging standards for biological and chemical data management and exchange practices; To collate and compile guidelines, supporting the integrated management and quality control of biological and chemical data in IODEs network of national oceanographic data centres; To contribute to the development of standards, controlled vocabularies, and recommended practices for the management, interoperability and exchange of biological and chemical data, supporting the scientific and operational requirements of the community; To encourage data centres to compile inventories of past and present biological and chemical data holdings, and make data available to global databases and specialised data portals; To encourage data holders to contribute data to data centres for the creation of regional and global integrated oceanographic databases incorporating physical, chemical and biological data; To communicate the results from the GE to the wider community of data managers, providers and users. Encourages IOC Member States to nominate experts having expertise in biological and chemical data management and exchange practices to the Group of Experts, Stresses the importance of: Continuing the close collaboration developed with OBIS within the new arrangements that will be decided on, Maintaining close relations with relevant IOC programmes such as HAB, IOCCP and GOOS, as well as other organizations and programmes including FAO, ICES, PICES, CIESM, ICSU, SeaDataNet. ANNEX II Recommendation IODE-XIX.2 STRATEGY AND STRUCTURE OF IODE GROUPS OF EXPERTS The IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange, Recalling the outcome of the IODE Review and its call to IODE Officers to closely monitor and guide the IODE Groups of Experts, Recalling further Resolution IODE-XVIII.3 in which it had instructed the Chairs of the IODE Groups of Experts to jointly develop a strategy for the future of the Groups of Experts and to submit this strategy to the IODE Officers and to IODE-XIX, Noting the report of the Chairs of the IODE Groups of Experts (Document IOC/IODE-XIX/19), Taking into account the IOC Rules of Procedure, specifically Rules 24 and 25, Recommends that the Terms of Reference of the IODE Groups of Experts be revised as follows: (i) Objectives: a. IODE Groups of Experts will undertake detailed scientific and technical studies and/or co-ordination tasks, by subject or region, as identified by the IODE Committee; b. IODE Groups of Experts, including the JCOMM/IODE ETDMP, will monitor scientific and technical developments, and identify needs to be addressed by IODE, as pertaining to their IODE subject area and propose a work programme with clear priorities, for consideration by the IODE Committee; c. To facilitate implementation of the Groups of Experts work programme, the Groups of Experts will (i) seek cooperation from IODE national coordinators; (ii) develop and implement projects with clear objectives and deliverables, and take responsibility for the coordination and management of such projects. (ii) Membership: a. the total number of Members of IODE Groups of Experts should not exceed 8; b. the Groups should be composed of not more than 4 long-term members; and not more than 4 short-term members; c. The long-term members will be selected by the Executive Secretary, based upon nominations from Member States and further based upon individual expertise as relevant to the concerned IODE Group of Expert. Long-term members can remain a member of the Group during not more than 4 inter-sessional periods; d. The short-term members shall be selected by the long-term members of the Group, based upon their specific expertise, documented in the OceanExpert system, related to specific tasks or projects and will remain a member during, preferably, not more than two inter-sessional periods; Encourages IOC Member States to nominate experts with expertise relevant to the subject areas of the IODE groups of Experts; Invites IOC Member States to submit information on relevant national experts to OceanExpert, as a further source of expertise for the Groups of Experts; Urges IOC Member States to support the work of the IODE Groups of Experts by financially supporting the participation of their national experts in Sessions of the IODE Groups of Experts. ANNEX III AGENDA OF GE-BICH-V 1. OPENING OF THE SESSION 1.1 WELCOME 2. INTERSESSIONAL ACTIVITIES 2.1 STATUS OF IMPLEMENTATION OF THE GE-BICH-IV WORK PLAN 2.1.1 GE-BICH wiki 2.1.2 Vocabularies 2.1.3 QA/QC activities 2.1.4 Best practices for data reporting and data exchange 2.1.5 Membership and collaborations 2.1.6 Other actions still pending 2.2 ISSUES ARISING FROM IODE-XX 2.2.1 New Revised Terms of Reference of GE-BICH 2.2.2 Cooperation with IPHAB on the development of HAIS 2.2.3 Integration of OBIS into the IOC/IODE structure 3. SPLIT SESSION 3.1 VOCABULARIES 3.2 QC FLAG SCHEME SUBMISSION TO OCEAN DATA STANDARDS 4. VOCABULARIES AND ONTOLOGIES 4.1 ISSUES PENDING FROM GE-BICH-IV 4.1.1 Plankton sampling gears 4.1.2 Trawl sampling gears 4.1.3 Water samplers 4.1.4 Sediment samplers 4.1.5 Chemical sensors and analysers 4.1.6 Chemical methods 4.1.7 In situ imaging systems 4.1.8 Biological analytical instruments 4.1.9 Life cycles and life stages 4.1.10 Non-taxonomic group names 4.2 WORK ON VOCABULARIES AT BCO-DMO 4.3 FAO ACTIVITIES AND D4SCIENCE TECHNOLOGIES 4.4 THE WAY FORWARD 4.4.1 Governance And Maintenance Issues 4.4.2 Priorities For 2011-12 Workplan 5. QUALITY CONTROL/ QUALITY ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES 5.1 OUTCOME OF QA/QC WORKSHOP 5.2 EMODNET QA/QC GUIDELINES 5.3 BLACKSEASCENE QA/QC ACTIVITIES AND UPDATES ON OTHER INITIATIVES 5.4 RESULTS OF FOLLOW ON ACTIONS FROM QA/QC WORKSHOP 5.4.1 Development of quantifiable QC checks 5.4.2 QC Flags 5.5 QA/QC PRIORITIES FOR 2011-12 WORKPLAN 6. COLLABORATION WITH IPHAB on HAIS development 7. COLLABORATION WITH GE-OBIS 8. SURVEY ON PROVISION OF/ACCESS TO CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL DATA VIA SDN AND ODP PORTALS. 8.1 SDN VS ODP: HOW TO CONTRIBUTE CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL DATA 8.2 SDN VS ODP: HOW TO DISCOVER AND ACCESS CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL DATA 8.3 Presentation by Dr Toru Suzuki 8.4 DISCUSSION 9. STRATEGIES FOR IMPROVING ACCESS TO BIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL DATA 10. TRAINING AND EDUCATION RELATED TO GE-BICH: CONTRIBUTION TO OCEANTEACHER 11. WORK PLAN AND REQUIRED RESOURCES FOR THE NEXT INTER-SESSIONAL PERIOD 12. MEMBERSHIP ISSUES 13. ANY OTHER BUSINESS 14. ELECTION OF (CO-)CHAIR(S) 15. DATE AND PLACE OF NEXT SESSION 16. ADOPTION OF THE SUMMARY REPORT 17. CLOSURE     -  PAGE 2 - INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANOGRAPHIC COMMISSION COMMISSION OCANOGRAPHIQUE INTERGOUVERNEMENTALE COMISIN OCEANOGRFICA INTERGUBERNAMENTAL  ",!"/  $'!/ !!/ 'DD,F) 'D/HDJ) 'D-CHEJ) D9DHE 'DE-J7'* ?e^wm mf[YXTOUNESCO - 1, rue Miollis - 75732 Paris Cedex 15 cable address: UNESCO Paris - telex: 204461 Paris - fax: (33) (0)1 45 68 58 12 - contact phone: (33) (0) 1 45 68 39 83/84 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:w.watson-wright@unesco.org" w.watson-wright@unesco.org ChairpersonVice-ChairpersonsLic. Javier A. VALLADARES Capitn de navo (Ret.) Licenciado en Oceangrafia Fsica Asesor Cientfico en Ciencias del Mar Direccin de Relaciones Internacionales Secretaria de Ciencias, Tecnologa e Innovacin Productiva Av. Crdoba 831 4to. Piso (C1054AAH) Buenos Aires ARGENTINA Executive Secretary DrWendy WATSON-WRIGHT Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris Cedex 15, FRANCEDrSavithri (Savi) NARAYANAN Dominion Hydrographer/Director-General Ocean Sciences-Canadian Hydrographic Service Fisheries & Oceans Canada 615, Booth St., Suite 311 Ottawa, Ontario, K1A OE6 CANADA Julian A. REYNA MORENO Capitn de navo Secretario Ejecutivo Comissin Colombiana del Oceano Transversal 41, No. 27-50 Piso 4 - CAN Bogota, DC COLOMBIAProf. Cherif SAMMARI Chef, Laboratoire du milieu marin Institut National des Sciences et Technologies de la Mer (INSTM) 28, rue 2 mars 1934 2025 Salammb TUNISIE DrSang-Kyung BYUN Principal Research Scientist Climate Change & Coastal Disaster Research Dept. Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute (KORDI) Ansan, P.O. Box 29 425-600 Seoul REPUBLIC OF KOREANicolay N. MIKHAILOV Head, Oceanographic Data Centre Russian Federal Service for Hydrometeorology & Environmental Monitoring All-Russia Research Institute of Hydrometeorological Information WDC 6, Korolev St., Obninsk Kaluga Region 249020 RUSSIAN FEDERATION - #(),.@Auv    e f  = > L ҼteS"hnqhnq5\^JaJmH sH hq5\^JaJmH sH h ^JaJmH sH hnq^JaJmH sH hnqhnq^JaJmH sH hg?Sh'^JaJmH sH "hg?Sh'5\^JaJmH sH hnq5\^JaJmH sH  hxhLv hxhnqh'hnq hnqhnq hnq5\ hx5\hnqhnq5\ v eklm)]gdg?Sgd   !gdngdnq 7z^`zgdx$ 7|^`|a$gdnq$ 8S^S`a$gdg?S$a$gdnq lgdnq8CxL R [ \   < = @ u v _ ` J ,./45Ǽwsokofofo\oXoPhnqhnqH*hqhnqhnq6] hnqH*hnhnqhxhLvh'B*mH phsH hxhx>*mH sH hxhLv>*mH sH hxhnqmH sH hnqmH sH hnqhnqmH sH hg?Sh'mH sH hnqhnq^JaJmH sH hnqhq^JaJmH sH hnqhw2^JaJmH sH hw2^JaJmH sH 5deklmnh( V\ż̃{̊tlte hxhNh(>h.t5 hxh.thxh?H* hxh? hxhq3 hxhzhxhz@hxh7W@hxh#f@hxhn@hxhnq@ hxhnq hxh#f hxh7W hxhn hnqH* hg?Sh' hg?Shnqhnh'hnq%7GSXYyzst\]^ij}~̸԰Ԓyrkd hg?Shv hg?Shdrs hg?Sh:shg?Sh'6] h|x6]h h'] hg?Sh' hxhnqhxh#f>*hxhnq>*hnqhnq>*hlOhnq0JjhnqUjhnqUhnqhn hxh#fhxh<H* hxh< hxh? hxh3u%]^jB $ & F 7xxG$XD2YD2^`a$gdn$ 7G$XDYDa$gdn $ 7G$a$gdn$a$gdn 7^`gdnq  7dgd gd  $^a$gdg?S/012 һzfzfzfUfzfU!hn^JaJhmH nH sH tH 'h;hn^JaJhmH nH sH tH *h;hn5^JaJhmH nH sH tH hnhn5mH sH  h6hnhnhnqhnqH*hqhnqh'h PJnHtHh*ah PJnHtHh*ah PJnHo(tH hFxhFx hg?Sh' hg?Sh h  h h !*+,=?KDHWABJ !!!!l"m"o"w"#ձnnX+h6hn@^JaJhmH nH sH tH +h6hn@^JaJhmH nH sH tH -h;hn56^JaJhmH nH sH tH +h6hn@^JaJhmH nH sH tH $hn5^JaJhmH nH sH tH !hn^JaJhmH nH sH tH *h;hn5^JaJhmH nH sH tH 'h;hn^JaJhmH nH sH tH B j!!!""###hccgdn$ & F 7G$XDYDa$gdn $ & F 7xxG$XD2YD2^`a$gdn 7G$XDYDgdn$ 7G$XDYDa$gdn $ & F 7xxG$XD2YD2^`a$gdn$ & F 7G$XDYDa$gdn ### $&'() *^*f $ & F 7xxG$XD2YD2^`a$gdn$ 7G$XDYDa$gdn$ & F 7G$XDYDa$gdn $ & F 7xxG$XD2YD2^`a$gdn 7G$XDYDgdn $ 7G$a$gdn$a$gdngdn ###$[$d$$$$$%%.&A&}&&&-0--->.C.../88888888888888888ӿӿӿӿӿӿӿӿӿsm h{/R0Jh{/R0J^JaJmHnHuh{/R0J^JaJjh{/R0JU^JaJh{/R^JaJhGJqjhGJqU!hn^JaJhmH nH sH tH 'h;hn^JaJhmH nH sH tH *h;hn5^JaJhmH nH sH tH hnhn5mH sH hnhnmH sH )^**,%-..... //8/F/G/e////gdnm$$a$gdn  7 gdngdn 7G$XDYDgdn $ & F 7xxG$XD2YD2^`a$gdn$ & F 7G$XDYDa$gdn//'0O0u0001A1B1T1g111112&2?2[22222383^3333gdnm$333.4M4l4445+5W5X5555555 6J666667$`^``a$gdk?m$$0^0`a$gdk?m$ $a$gdk?m$gdnm$77\7]77777777788<888888888888 7^`gdnqgdn$7^7`a$gdk?m$ $a$gdk?m$8888888888>999V::: $If^ $If^ 7$If^ 7x$If^ 7<$If]$ 7a$88889: :B:D:T:V:::::::;<<<$<òmc]PB8h{/R@mH sH jh{/R@UmH sH hN\h{/R@mH sH h{/R@h{/R@mH sH )jh{/RCJUhmHnHsH tH ujh{/RUmHnHuh{/R@B*OJQJo(ph"h{/RB*^JaJ$nHo(phtH!h{/RB*Z^J_HaJ$o(phh{/R5@\^JmH sH h{/R5@\^J"h{/R@B*\^JmH phsH  h{/Ro(jh{/RUh{/R::;<_<`<a<n<<<<w xx$If 7dtxx$Ifx$If  x$If $<a$  xIkd>$$IfT0}&a@'4 aT $<><@<A<B<\<]<^<_<`<a<b<<<<a====Ǹ高qeSAS/#h{/RB*CJ^JaJmH phsH #h{/RB*CJ^JaJmH 4phsH 4#h{/RB*CJ^JaJmH phsH h{/RB*CJ^Jphh{/RB*CJ\^Jph)jh{/RCJUhmHnHsH tH uh{/R$hN\h{/RCJOJQJ^JmH sH hN\h{/R@mH sH h}Ph{/R0J@mH sH jh{/R@UmH sH 'j?h}Ph{/R@UmH sH h{/R@mH sH hg?Sh{/R@mH sH <<<<<<%=a={=====zzzzzzzzzkz x$Ifgdj$If^`jgdtkd@$$IfT\ J 0*   $ 0*64 aT ===(>)>>>????+@>@[@@@AAAAAAAоެЃnެ\LD@h{/Rh{/RCJaJh{/RB*CJ\^JaJph#h{/RB*CJ^JaJmHphsH)hh{/RB*CJ^JaJmH phsH ,hh{/RB*CJ\^JaJmH phsH #h{/RB*CJ^JaJmHphsH#h{/RB*CJ^JaJmH phsH #h{/RB*CJ^JaJmH phsH h{/RB*CJ^JaJph#h{/RB*CJ^JaJmH phsH h{/RaJhmH nH sH tH == >">)>F>m>>>>>>>??,?L?t?????@@"@*@+@>@j$If^`jgd>@[@@@@@@ A*ArAAAAAj$If^`jgd AAAAA x xxxxxxxxx~yygdbo$a$vkd@$$IfT \ J 0*   $ 0*64 aTAABxxxx xxxxxxxxx)x*x7x=x?x@xAxBxCxDxٿٻhnhnmH sH hGJqh{/RmH sH hO?h{/RCJaJ h6h{/Rh{/Rh/10JmHnHu h{/R0JUjh{/R0JU h{/R; PAGE 2 Annex III page 2 Annex III page 2 xx)x*x+x>x?x@xAxBxCxDx 7^`gdnqgdbogdn$a$gdbo$a$gdbo 3 0&P 1h. 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