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There are 618 experts working in "Marine and Coastal Engineering".
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Displaying 1 – 6 results of 6.
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CARVAJALINO FERNÁNDEZ Antonio Marcos Ph.D. Student - Stipendiat
P.O. Box 1870 Nordnes, Oseanografi og Klima Forskningsgrupp, Bergen, Hordaland, 5817, Norway

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HARBITZ Bonnevie Carl Discipline leader tsunami
OSLO, N-0806, Norway

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MAGNUSSON Anne Karin Scientist and wave forecaster
Allegt. 70, Bergen, Norway

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SCHJØLBERG Peter Project Manager
Pir-Sentret, Trondheim, Norway

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STEFANAKOS N. Christos Research Scientist
Strindvegen 4, TRONDHEIM, Norway

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SYSTAD Helge Geir Research director
Thormøhlensgate 55, Bergen, 5006, Norway

Displaying 1 – 6 results of 6.