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There are 942 experts working in the "South Pacific Ocean".
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Displaying 1 – 10 results of 19.
results per page.
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CHAN KUM TONG Luuga Naivins Darcy Scientific Officer
P.O Box 3020, Apia, Samoa

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ETEUATI SALESA Mattaniah Climate Scientific Officer
P.O Box 3020, Apia, Samoa., Apia, Samoa

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FULIVAI Talolakepa Sione Coordinator - Framework for Resilient Development in the Pacific
PO Box 240, Apia, Samoa, Samoa

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IEFATA Jesper Vailoa Scientific Officer- Geo-Science
Mulinuu Samoa, BO. Box 4020, Beach Road, Tate Building, Level 3, Apia, Samoa, 95564, Samoa

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IRVING Paul Project Officer
PO Box 240, Apia, Samoa, Samoa

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P.O Box 3020, Apia, Samoa, Samoa

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LEGAOI Rose Teacher
Faaalelaga No.3, Apia , Faasaleleaga, 2023, Samoa

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MAREKO Taitaifono Tina Environmental Science and climate change and disaster risk management lecturer
PO BOX 1622, Apia, Samoa

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SELU Fimareti Marine Conservation Officer
Tuiatua Tupua Tamasese Efi - Sogi, Mulinu'u Road, Apia, Samoa

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SEUMANUTAFA UINI Lisi Senior Community Preparedness Officer
Tuanaimato, Apia,Samoa, Apia, Samoa

Displaying 1 – 10 results of 19.
results per page.