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There are 854 experts working in the "South Atlantic Ocean".
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Displaying 1 – 3 results of 3.
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BOURLÈS Bernard Senior Scientist
Institut de Recherche pour le DéveloppementIRD Bretagne, UMR LEGOS (IRD/CNRS/UPS/CNES),BP 70, 29 280 Plouzané, France, Plouzané, Bretagne, 29280, France

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CHEVALIER André Patrick Project manager
8, impasse de Lanvouez, Riec sur Bélon, France

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DOS SANTOS Alves Francisco Ingénieur d'Estude
Parc Technologique du Canal 8-10, rue Hermès,, Ramonville Saint-Agne, 31520 , France

Displaying 1 – 3 results of 3.