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There are 666 experts working in the "North Atlantic Ocean".
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Displaying 1 – 10 results of 15.
results per page.
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BROWMAN I. Howard Principal Research Scientist
Storebø, Hordaland, 5392, Norway

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CHELAK Marina PhD student
Bodø 8049, Norway, Bodø, Norway

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CHIKWATI Elvis Researcher
Oslo, 00033, Norway

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CORRÊA Leite Daniela Physical Oceanographer
rua visconde de são lourenço, rio de janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, 21940-310, Norway

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KJESBU Olav Sigurd Director, Dr. Scient
PO BOX 1870 Nordnes, Bergen, 5817, Norway

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NEWTON Alice Senior Scientist and Professor
Kjeller, 2027, Norway

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NORDERHAUG Kjell Magnus Research Professor
Nye Flødevigveien 20, His, 4817 , Norway

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RONNESTAD Ivar Professor
Bergen, 5020, Norway

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RÅNES Arne Stein Project Manager
Gamle Dalaveien 90, Storslett, Norway

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SUNDBY Svein Principal oceanographer
Bergen, 5817, Norway

Displaying 1 – 10 results of 15.
results per page.