OceanExpert ID : 10026

AQUASON Research & Technology, SL

(AQUASON Research & Technology, SL)


Av. Francia 37
43882 Calafell Tarragona


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Aquason provides research and consulting services and performs hydroacoustic surveys in all kinds of water bodies (sea, lakes, rivers, estuaries, reservoirs, etc.), using latest digital scientific echosounder and acoustic imaging technology;
• Assessment and evaluation of fish assemblages (abundance, density, biomass, total number, spatial distribution, migrations, behavior, etc.), submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) (coverage, distribution, height) and data on sediment types and bathymetry; Ecosystem mapping
• Short and long term observation and analysis of fish migrations and other moving or fixed underwater objects, using hydroacoustic equipment (echosounders, DIDSON, ARIS...), as well as additional deployment of CCTV (Closed Circuit Televison) systems
• Detection and high resolution acoustic imaging of underwater objects such as UXO, for identification purposes Aquason is specialized in shallow water (<100-200m) applications, with hydroacoustics and video as our principal evaluation techniques.

In addition to our consulting services, Aquason currently represents the following products and companies:

• Echoview software, the world’s number one software package for hydroacoustic data processing, delivering powerful and flexible capabilities for water-column and bottom echosounder and sonar data processing
• Hemisphere GNSS, a global leader in the design and manufacture of innovative and cost-effective GNSS and complimentary products for positioning, guidance, and machine control applications. Products are focused on marine, land survey, construction, mapping, and OEM solutions
• SeapiX, volumetric 3D multi-split beam echosounder for fisheries research, by iXBlue. Per species biomass, fish count, shoal dynamics, fish behaviour, seafloor classification.

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Created: -0001-11-30 | Last Updated: 2023-02-16 by Sofie de Baenst